
9 Doctors Found

Dr. Vijay Kumar Agarwal

Dr. Vijay Kumar Agarwal

MD (General Medicine)
Experience : 31 Years
Consultant Physician
Dr. M.V. Rao

Dr. M.V. Rao

MD (General Medicine)
Experience : 33 Years
Consultant Physician
Dr. K. Seshi Kiran

Dr. K. Seshi Kiran

MD (General Medicine)
Consultant Physician
Dr. Arshad Punjani

Dr. Arshad Punjani

MBBS, Post Graduation (Internal Medicine)
Experience : 17 Years
Consultant Physician & Diabetologist
Dr. Hari Kishan Boorugu

Dr. Hari Kishan Boorugu

MD, DNB (Internal Medicine), CMC, Vellore
Experience : 18 Years
Consultant Physician & Diabetologist
Dr. Naveen Reddy

Dr. Naveen Reddy

MD (General Medicine)
Experience : 15 Years
Consultant Physician
Dr. B. Bala Raju

Dr. B. Bala Raju

MD (General Medicine)
Experience : 42 Years
Consultant Physician
Dr. Hima Bindu

Dr. Hima Bindu

DNB (General Medicine), Diabetology (Boston University)
Experience : 9 Years
Consultant Physician
Dr. Dilip Gude

Dr. Dilip Gude

MBBS (OSM), DNB, MNAMS (General Medicine), MPH (USA)
Experience : 20 Years
Senior Consultant Physician
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Monday, OCTOBER 30
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