
Yashoda Hospitals Secunderabad

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Trusted Name for Outstanding Patient Care
& Clinical Outcomes

Yashoda Hospitals, Secunderabad is one of the leading multi-speciality hospitals in Hyderabad. Over the past three decades, Yashoda Group of Hospitals has provided quality healthcare for the people in their diverse medical needs. The needs of the patients have always guided us towards delivering comprehensive care. We constantly work to provide our patients the best healthcare service by perfectly blending revolutionary technology, best medical expertise and advanced procedures. Our comprehensive health care team of specialized doctors, round-the-clock nursing staff and paramedics are equipped with latest medical innovations and state-of-the-art infrastructure. We provide apt medical diagnosis and treatment for diseases, trauma, and emergencies across every health disciplines.


At Yashoda Hospitals, you can always count on the team of best doctors and surgeons, clinical excellence, and ever-evolving innovative facilities and services. Comprehensive facilities and latest technologies offer all-round care and best possible medical outcomes. All specialties and super-specialties provide consultations, complete laboratory & diagnostic services under one roof to offer easily accessible, affordable and round-the-clock healthcare.


Book an appointment and consult the best doctor in Hyderabad. Choose among the several specialties, super specialties,
internationally trained doctors and surgeons to talk to an experienced consultant at a time convenient to you.

Booking appointment with your doctor was never better.
Our doctors are spread across multidisciplinary medical specialties. All you need to do is

And you are all set. We will send a confirmation regarding your appointment
with the doctor at Yashoda Hospitals, Secunderabad

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      • By clicking on Send, you accept to receive communication from Yashoda Hospitals on email, SMS, call and Whatsapp.

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      Yashoda Hospitals Group – Awards & Achievements


      Our Hospital Locations

      Patient Testimonials


      Mrs. Bhanu Sree J

      Treatment For:Placenta Previa
      Treated By:Dr. Bhagya Lakshmi S
      Patient Location:Siddipet
      Treatment for Placenta Previa

      Mrs. Bhanu Sree J from Siddipet successfully received treatment for Placenta

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      Mr. Jeevan Kancham

      Treatment For:Leptospirosis
      Treated By:Dr. Sai Reddy
      Patient Location:Nizamabad
      Mr. Jeevan Kancham

      Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection caused by the Leptospira bacteria. It is

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      Mrs. Rama Devi’s baby

      Treatment For:Lipoma & Dural Defect
      Treated By:Dr. B. J. Rajesh
      Patient Location:Hyderabad
      Mrs. Rama Devi’s baby

      A lipoma is one of the most common types of soft tissue tumours, which are

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      Mr. Umesh Kumar Trikhatri

      Treatment For:Liver Disease
      Treated By:Dr. Dharmesh Kapoor
      Patient Location:Sikkim
      Mr. Umesh Kumar Trikhatri

      Liver disease refers to a broad range of conditions that affect the liver's

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      Daughter of Mr. Kondra Havilash

      Treatment For:Foreign Body Aspiration
      Treated By:Dr. Hari Kishan Gonuguntla
      Patient Location:Hyderabad
      Daughter of Mr. Kondra Havilash

      A foreign body refers to any object or substance that enters the body and is

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      Monday, OCTOBER 30
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      040 - 4567 4567