

Liver Transplant Treatment Hospitals in Hyderabad

Liver Transplant

Liver Transplant is a major operation that takes place only in a specialized transplant center. During a Liver Transplantation, the surgeon removes the diseased liver and replaces it with a healthy one. The patient having end-stage liver disease can only be treated by a Liver Transplant. It is of mainly two types: DECEASED Donor Liver Transplant (DDLT), and LIVE Donor Liver Transplant (LDLT).

For most transplants the livers come from donors who have died. This type of Donor is called as DECEASED Donor. Sometimes, a healthy person donates part of his or, her liver for close relatives this is called as LIVING Donor. All donated Livers of Deceased/ Living donors are tested before subjecting to transplant surgery. The testing makes sure that the donor’s liver should work as it should, matches the patient’s blood type, and is of right size, so it has the best chance of working in the body.

Liver Transplantation in Hyderabad

Yashoda Hospitals’ Institute of Liver Transplant & Hepatobiliary Diseases’ evaluation team includes cardiologist, Nephrologist, Pulmonologist, Anaesthetist, Dentist, Nutritionist etc. The team has to give medical fitness clearance, on basis of which the transplant is planned. In case of Living Donor Liver Transplant, the donor safety is of utmost importance and hence, the living donor evaluation is more extensive and elaborate. The Institute of Liver Transplant & Hepatobiliary Diseases has a high success rate, which is on par with the best centers in the world.

Advanced Liver Transplant Hospital in Hyderabad

Evaluation before Liver Transplant

If a liver transplant is recommended, the integrated liver care team of Yashoda Institute of Liver Transplant & Hepatobiliary Diseases, will evaluate the recipient as well as donor thoroughly before performing the transplant. A battery of investigations are done to ensure the fitness of the recipient and the donor. The vital organs- Heart, Lungs, Kidney and all others should be in good shape prior to the transplant.

The team that includes Cardiologist, Nephrologist, Pulmonologist, Anaesthetist, Dentist, Nutritionist etc. have to give medical fitness clearance, on basis of which the transplant is planned.

In case of Living Donor Liver Transplant, the donor safety is of utmost importance and hence, the living donor evaluation is more extensive and elaborate.


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      Health Blogs for Liver

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      All You Need To Know About Various Liver Diseases

      Apr 23, 2021 18:34

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      Save Your Liver From Viral Hepatitis

      Mar 30, 2021 11:54

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      కొత్త ఆశలు కలిగిస్తున్నలైవ్‌ కాలేయ మార్పిడి

      Jan 13, 2020 16:45

      కలుషితమైన నీళ్లు, తిండి వల్ల ఈ తీవ్రమైన హైపటైటిస్‌ ఎ, ఇ వైరస్‌లు శరీరంలోకి చేరుతుంటాయి. దక్షిణభారత దేశంలో కాలేయ మార్పిడి ఆపరేషన్ల నిర్వహణకు సంబంధించి యశోద ఆస్పత్రులు కొత్త ఒరవడిని ప్రవేశపెట్టాయి.

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      Liver Transplantation: Current Status and Challenges

      May 17, 2019 16:03

      There is a large discrepancy between the number of patients requiring a liver transplant and the number of transplants being done in our country. With expertise available for both LDLT and DDLT, many of these patients can be offered a definitive treatment for their lethal liver disease.

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      Dec 20, 2018 17:06

      శరీరంలో కీలక విధులు నిర్వర్తించే అవయవాలలో కాలేయం మొదటి స్థానంలో నిలుస్తుంది. జీర్ణవ్యవస్థకు అనుబంధంగా ఉన్న ఈ గ్రంధి దాదాపు అయిదు వందల విధులను నిర్వర్తిస్తుంటుంది. మరే అవయవం కాలేయానికి ప్రత్యామ్నాయంకాదు.

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      Nov 13, 2018 11:03

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      Nov 06, 2018 11:49

      Normothermic liver perfusion is ushering in a new era in the way organ preservation is done and transplant is carried out. There is hope that with the help of this new technology, it may be possible to save more lives by transplanting more livers with improved outcomes.

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      World Hepatitis Day – Eliminating Hepatitis through Awareness

      Jul 28, 2017 20:10

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      Hepatitis C spreads through contaminated pricks

      Jun 03, 2016 09:52

      Hepatitis C is a virus that affects the liver and causes inflammation. Hepatitis C continues to exist, with the patient unaware of its existence. It is only after decades that it may be detected during routine medical tests. Hepatitis C spreads through contaminated blood, and needles shared during drug abuse. CAUSES During transfusion or injection […]

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      Autoimmune hepatitis is an uncommon cause of persistent liver inflammation

      May 21, 2016 05:23

      When the body’s immune system turns against the liver cells, this condition is called as autoimmune hepatitis. The exact causes of autoimmune hepatitis are unclear, however the genetic and environmental factors are considered are majorly responsible for this condition. The autoimmune hepatitis may lead to scarring of the liver and finally its failure. There are […]

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      All you need to know about Liver Transplantation

      Feb 29, 2016 05:55

      Liver transplantation is a surgical procedure to replace diseased liver with a whole or partial healthy liver. Healthy liver can be obtained from three kinds of donors – Brain dead donor (Cadaver), and living donor. Liver is considered as the power house of the human body. It is the largest internal organ of the body […]

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      Liver transplants accord a new lease of life

      Feb 08, 2016 04:50

      Latest treatments and procedures of liver diseases Liver is one of the biggest organs, and constitutes the largest gland in the body. Its size also speaks about its vital role, and its need for continuous blood supply.. The liver’s reddish colour owes itself to its immense blood supply, as there are a host of arteries […]

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      Liver Cirrhosis- Early detection may help patients

      Dec 21, 2015 05:17

      Cirrhosis is the advanced stage of liver disease (scarring & fibrosis). Cirrhosis is the scarring of the liver where the soft healthy tissues are replaced with hard scar tissue. Cirrhosis may result from longstanding inflammation from infections, heart disease, or continuous injury. Liver diseases and damage to the liver such as scarring and fibrosis are caused […]

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