Yashoda Severe Asthma Clinic is the First Dedicated Center in South India for Severe Asthma Patients.
The Clinic is run by Dr. V.Nagarjuna Maturu and a team of reputed doctors in a state-of-the-art facility. It specializes in addressing severe asthma in a comprehensive way. Complete diagnostic evaluation with Innovative and scientific treatments for Asthma is the hallmark of Yashoda Severe Asthma Clinic. Its organized model of care facilitates multidisciplinary and multidimensional assessment and management, which leads to improved outcomes.
Highlights of the Clinic
- Comprehensive Severe Asthma Management under one roof – Evaluation & Treatment.
- Advanced Diagnostic Procedures: Pulmonary Function Tests (PFT), Allergy Tests, FENO, Impulse Oscillometry, Bronchial Biopsies etc.
- Expertise in Latest Procedures – Bronchial Thermoplasty.
- Targeted therapy with the latest Biologics.
What is Severe Asthma and its Symptoms?
Asthma is a chronic Lung Disease that causes inflammation & narrowing of the airways. This leads to episodes of wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing.
Severe Asthma is a advanced type of Asthma that requires several medications to be controlled or often remains uncontrolled despite these medications. People who have several Asthma attacks every year (2 or more) may also be considered to have Severe Asthma. 5-10% of Asthma patients develop Severe Asthma.
- Daily symptoms such as chest tightness, Wheezing, Cough, and shortness of breath.
- Frequent Asthma attacks, some of which might be severe enough to require hospitalization.
- Not feeling well despite using Asthma medications and avoiding trigger factors.
How is the Diagnosis done?
A diagnosis of Severe Asthma is made after taking a detailed medical history and performing some tests. These tests may include:
- Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs): These are breathing tests which are performed by a trained technician.
These tests are: Spirometry, Total Lung Volume, Diffusing Capacity (DLCO), Impulse Oscillometry, and FeNO - Allergy Testing: The most advanced allergy tests which include both skin and blood tests to find
- Bronchial Biopsies: Bronchial Biopsy specimens which are obtained via Bronchoscopy provide a very useful tool to study the abnormalities of the airways in Severe Asthma

What are the Treatment options for Asthma?
An individualized treatment plan is devised for each patient after a thorough evaluation. This includes medical and non-medical therapies.
Medical Therapies include:
- Appropriate Inhaler Therapy
- Targeted Therapy with the latest Biologics
- Vaccination
- Treatment of Exacerbating Conditions such as GERD, Allergic Rhinitis, Stress and Depression, OSA etc
Non-medical Therapies include:
- Avoidance of Triggers & Smoking
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation
- Teaching Correct Inhaler Technique
- Psychological Support
- Patient Education

What are the latest Asthma Therapies?
1. Bronchial Thermoplasty: BT is a proven outpatient procedure for Severe Asthma. This innovative Non-incision procedure is first and only non-drug therapy for Severe Asthma with clinically proven benefits. BT helps reduce Severe Asthma attacks and improves quality of life. The procedure is performed in three sessions sing a Bronchoscope and each session takes less than an hour under moderate sedation allowing most patients go home the same day. Yashoda Hospitals, Somajiguda, also holds the reputation for performing the highest number of Bronchial Thermoplasties in the country.

2. Biologics for Severe Asthma: Biologics are a group of medicines which block the inflammatory pathway responsible for the symptoms of Asthma. Patients with Severe Asthma are further categorized into subtypes (Phenotypes) and a target biologic is then chosen. This is called as Targeted Therapy or Precision Therapy for Severe Asthma. Various Biologics are available today in India, some of them are
- Omalizumab: This drug blocks Serum Immunoglobulin E (Ig E). It is administered as a sub cutaneous injection every 2 to 4 weeks.
- Mepolizumab: This drug blocks Serum Interleukin 5 (IL-5) and decreases the Serum Eosinophils. It is administered as a sub cutaneous injection every 4 weeks
- Benralizumab: This drug also blocks Serum Interleukin 5 (IL-5) & decreases the Serum Eosinophils. It is administered as a sub cutaneous injection every 4 weeks for initial 3 doses and then once every 2 months.

3. Access to medicines (under Dedicated Research Projects): Newer medicines which are yet not available for commercial use in India also can be accessed via Dedicated Research Projects. This is intended to help those asthmatics who do not respond despite maximal care.

Yashoda Hospitals
Center of Excellence in Pulmonology
The Department provides Comprehensive Consultative, Diagnostic and Therapeutic services for different Lung Diseases. Treatments can be availed on an Inpatient, Outpatient and ICU basis.
This center with a reputed team of experienced Pulmonologists, coupled with latest technology, provides advanced care and complete treatment for Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders. Some of the procedures offered here include Video Bronchoscopy, Endobronchial Ultrasound, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Medical Thoracoscopy, Balloon Bronchoplasty, Tracheobronchial Stenting, Cryotherapy Tumor Debulking and Cryolung Biopsies and Foreign Body Removal (Adult & Paediatric).
Dr. V. Nagarjuna Maturu
MD, DM (Pulmonology), FCCP
Consultant Interventional Pulmonologist

040 4567 4567