A Health Heart means a Happy Life – Yashoda Hospitals Heart Check-up

The heart is a very vital organ of the body. The heart beats all through the life of the human being (begins beating from four weeks after conception up to death of the human), with 1,00,000 times a day, and 2.5 billion times in the life time.
The human heart’s primary role is to pump the oxygen-filled blood received from the lungs to other parts of the body. In one’s life-time, the heart pumps 1 million barrels of blood. An electrical pulse at the centre of the heart controls its beat.
Proper protection of the heart and keeping it healthy assures long and happy life for each individual. For a healthy heart, taking whole and unprocessed foods is primary. Also, regular and high-intensity exercise strengthens the heart. Stress management also helps in strengthening the heart. Intake of Vitamin D and animal-based Omega-3 fats may also help.
In the recent times, the incidence of heart diseases is on the rise in men, women and children of all age groups. Life-style, fast-food diet and aerated drinks have all weakened the heart, and have hit hard on its healthy performance.
Earlier, heart diseases were considered as a prerogative of men only. This has changed with increasing women and children becoming more susceptible to heart ailments. Sedentary life style, diabetes and obesity have made more and more people to suffer from heart diseases.
Heart attack is one the common heart problems. It is characterized by symptoms of pain and discomfort of the neck, jaw, shoulder, and upper back. Abdominal discomfort, shortness of breath, right arm pain, nausea or vomiting is also evident.
Some have lots of sweating, lightheadedness or dizziness and even unusual fatigue during an heart attack. What causes heart diseases is clearly evident as, Diabetes that increases the risk of heart disease, obesity or fat around your abdomen and high blood pressure are some of the common causes for heart diseases.
With the fast pace of life, the mental stress and depression affect both men and women’s hearts. For that matter, Depression leads to missing on one’s healthy routine and fall victim to addictions of smoking and drinking.
In women, the heart diseases are on the rise. Low levels of estrogen after menopause, high blood pressure or diabetes that comes with pregnancy complications pose a long-term risk and lead to the development of heart disease in women.
Both men and women can keep their heart healthy by following few guidelines: No smoking, mandatory exercise for 30 to 60 minutes a day, maintain Body Mass Index (BMI) by availing the best weight loss program, and having a diet plan that is low in saturated fat, cholesterol and salt.
In addition to the above health guidelines, continuing with your doctor’s advice, guidance and medications will be of great help. Supervision of a specialist always helps, as the prescribed blood pressure medications, blood thinners, aspirin and insulin helps to keep your health condition stable.
Yashoda Hospitals Hyderabad has pioneered latest and innovative heart treatments and procedures. Yashoda Hospitals’ Heart Institute provides end-to-end treatments, diagnostics and procedures for Cardiological and Cardiothoracic conditions. The Dual Source CT with Heart PBV is provided for the first time in India.
By performing 40000 heart procedures every year, Yashoda Hospitals has been recognized its first Inter-State Heart Transplantation centre. The Heart Institute offers minimally invasive cardiac procedures, dedicated Heart Rhythm Clinic, and World-class facilities for Ventricular Assist Devices (VADs), Pacemaker and ICDs implantations. Our comprehensive Heart Health Check-ups aim to safeguard the heart’s health, identify the possible incidence of heart problems, and help to live a happy and healthy life.
Our Heart Check-ups can be availed by all men and women. The comprehensive Heart Check-up provides the entire blood picture, Pap smear in case of women, biochemistry (blood sugar, creatinine and serum calcium), microbiology (ECG), cardiac investigations, consultation and examination. Details of the lab investigations include,
- Haematology: HB, PCV, RBC, MCHC, MCV, MCH, Total WBC, Differential Count, ESR, PLT, Peripheral Smear, Complete Urine, and Stool Routine Test.
- Histopathology: Pap smear (for female).
- Biochemistry: FBS (fasting blood sugar), Creatinine, Serum Lipid Profile (Total cholesterol, HDLCholesterol, LDL cholesterol, VLDL Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Cardiac risk ratio), Serum Calcium, PLBS, Urea and Uric acid, Liver Function Test (Total Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin, Indirect Bilirubin, Alkaline Phosphate, SGOT, SGPT, Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin, ratio).
- Microbiology: HIV, HbsAg, Blood bank, Blood Grouping & Rh Typing
- Cardiac Investigations: ECG (Resting)
- Radiology Investigations: Radiography Chest, Ultrasound (upper abdomen Screening)
- Examination & Consultation: Overall review of health check up findings and counseling by Consultant Physician and Consultant Gynecologist