

Ophthalmology has long been on the vanguard of medicine and innovation. Ophthalmologists have enjoyed high levels of satisfaction from restoring sight to patients. Advancement in optics allowed eyeglasses to be fitted to vision problems. The ophthalmoscope made it possible to look inside the eye and relate eye defects to internal conditions. And at Yashoda Hospitals, we have world-class doctors with state-of-the-art facilities and the latest technology that is on par with the best in the world.

Yashoda Hospital has a facility for refraction, ophthalmoscopy, glaucoma assessment and treatment, foreign body removal, tonometry, Contact lenses, squint evaluation, diabetic eye care and eye trauma care.

Comfortable seating and noise free operation is ensured with the newly designed Ophthalmic Chair Unit. The Nidek slit lamp Biomicroscope provides superb optics and brilliant illumination for an error free checkup. At Yashoda Hospitals, we use CP-690 Magnon Auto Chart Projector with computer technology for greater projection accuracy and, combined with the ultramodern hand-held (portable) Auto refractor (Nidek AR-20), a fully efficient refraction is made possible.

Accurate Intra Ocular Lens  Power Calculation

Use of advanced A-scan biometer (Echorule 2, Biomedix) and hand-held (Nidek KM-500) keratometer enables precise and rapid axial length and corneal curvature measurement and accurate IOL power calculation, crucial for a satisfactory postoperative visual outcome.

Operation Theatre

World -class operation theatre rooms have recently been built with seamless stainless steel walls and HEPA (air) filter system. OPMI VISU 150 Bright flex Operating Microscope from Zeiss provides outstanding picture quality that is critical to eye surgery.


It is the most advanced procedure for cataract extraction worldwide. We use CataRhex Pro orertli Phacoemulisification system, Switzerland loaded with the latest software (cataRhex PRO CMP) for the best possible results.

As a part of our endeavor to keep the risk of infection to a minimum, we have installed an ultrasonic cleaner and a high -speed auto-sterilizer (AD7-1-3A, made in Taiwan) with 3-time pre-vacuum and one time after vacuum cycles to ensure the highest standards of sterilization. In addition, all the materials used during surgery (starting from surgical drapes to intraocular lenses) are of the highest standard.

Top Ophthalmology Doctors in Hyderabad

Dr. Sunitha Kamalla

Dr. Sunitha Kamalla

18 Years Of ExperiencePhaco Surgeon

  • SICS
  • Phaco
  • Pterygium
  • All Minor Eye Surgeries
Consult Now
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