
Non-surgical simple management for anal fissure with botox injection

Non-surgical simple management for anal fissure with botox injection


An anal fissure is a slit or a tear in the anus at the junction of the anal skin and the external skin, which causes painful, burning itching at the anus while passing motion. If all medical treatments fail, and the patient’s condition is severe, there exists a non-surgical treatment i.e. injection botox treatment at the anus. It is recommended particularly for children who are not fit for surgery, elderly patients, and patients without the time to undergo surgery.

It is a simple daycare procedure, and the patient can go back after an hour. The results are excellent, and the success rate is 85-90%.

Non-surgical simple management for anal fissure with botox injection

About Author –

Dr. Santhi Vardhani, Consultant General & Laparoscopy Surgeon, Yashoda Hospital, Hyderabad
MS (General Surgery), FMAS, FIAGES

Dr. Santhi Vardhani

MBBS, MS (General Surgery), FMAS, FIAGES
Consultant General & Laparoscopic Surgeon

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