
Bronchoscopic Removal of Foreign Body

Bronchoscopic Removal of Foreign Body


A 55 year old male presented with an accidental aspiration of a metallic foreign body while undergoing Root Canal procedure.

Diagnosis And Treatment:

Foreign body removal was done under General anaesthesia (I-Gel) using Flexible Bronchoscopy.

Bronchoscopic Removal of Foreign Body

CT coronal section showiingforeign body in left mainbronchus

Bronchoscopic Removal of Foreign Body

Bronchoscopicremoval of foreign body

Bronchoscopic Removal of Foreign Body

Retrieved foreign body

Bronchoscopic Removal of Foreign Body

Post procedurechest radiograph

About Author –

Dr. Mallu Gangadhar Reddy, Consultant Pulmonologist, Yashoda Hospitals - Hyderabad
MD, DNB (Pulmonology), FCCP (USA)

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MD, DNB (Pulmonology), FCCP (USA)
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