Mechanical thrombectomy for acute left hemiparesis and aphasia

A 55-year-old man presented with acute left hemiparesis and aphasia.
Diagnosis & Treatment
The DSA image demonstrated right M1 occlusion. A mechanical thrombectomy procedure was performed for the patient. Post thrombectomy, there was recanalization of the left MCA and its branches. The patient showed on table improvement in the power of the left upper and lower limb. He had immediate post-procedure improvement of left upper and lower limb weaknessÂ
About Author –
Dr. Suresh Giragani, Consultant Neuro & Interventional Radiologist, Yashoda Hospitals - Hyderabad
MD (Radiology), DM (Neuroradiology)
Specialized in the comprehensive and widest range of vascular interventions covering neuro interventions, hepatobiliary interventions, venous, peripheral vascular interventions and interventions in cancer care.