
Retained Fetal Bones (An Unusual Outcome of Abortion) – A Rare Cause of Secondary Infertility

Retained Fetal Bones (An Unusual Outcome of Abortion) - A Rare Cause of Secondary Infertility


A 35 year old P1L1A1 presented with menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoa, intermenstrual spotting and secondary fertility since three years. The symptoms aggravated since six months. There is a history of termination of pregnancy at 16 weeks for fetal demise and dilatation and evacuation done 4 years back.

Diagnosis And Treatment

Ultrasound revealed linear echogenic focus measuring 1.8 *0.5cms with posterior acoustic shadowing in body of uterus and calcified retained products.

Hysteroscopy was done and embedded fetal bone fragments were removed.

2 months later the patient conceived.

Retained Fetal Bones (An Unusual Outcome of Abortion) - A Rare Cause of Secondary Infertility

Hysteroscopic pics of retained fetal bones in the uterine myometrium

Retained Fetal Bones (An Unusual Outcome of Abortion) - A Rare Cause of Secondary Infertility


Retained Fetal Bones (An Unusual Outcome of Abortion) - A Rare Cause of Secondary Infertility

Empty uterus after the procedure

Retained Fetal Bones (An Unusual Outcome of Abortion) - A Rare Cause of Secondary Infertility

Removed bone fragments

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