Best Neurology Clinic in Godavarikhani
Yashoda Hospitals organizes outreach consultation with top-notch neurology surgeons in Godavarikhani in a super specialty clinic. Patients may consult the doctor for all problems related to neurosurgery | For an appointment, call 9986647338
Persons with the either of the below conditions OR requiring the MEDICAL OPINION for surgeries related to neurology may register to avail the best advice.
Common Neurological Conditions:
- Brain Infection or Injuries
- Spinal deformities
- Epilepsy or Movement Disorders
- Tumour in Brain or Spine
- Peripheral Nerve Disorders
Advanced Treatments :
- Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
- Intensive Trauma Management
- Management of serious neuropathies
- Stereotactic Radiosurgery
- Micro-neurosurgery
The Outreach Clinics is a health initiative by Yashoda Hospitals. People staying away from our Hospitals may avail the benefits of super speciality medical consultation at the nearest outreach clinic. While doctors in the locality are always the first point of consultation for any medical conditions, an outreach clinic will let you have a second opinion and more updated information on latest treatments and management approaches.
Sri Mamatha Hopsital,Lakshmi Nagar Road, Godavarikhani.
Every Month 1st Tuesday
10:00 AM to : 04:00PmConsult Our Doctor