Coronary artery disease

Accumulation of plaque or cholesterol deposits may lead to coronary artery disease
Coronary artery disease is a condition where the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart are damaged. Accumulation of plaque or cholesterol deposits is considered as the primary cause of coronary artery disease. The plague build-up in the arteries decreases the blood flow to the heart, and in-turn reduces the flow of blood to the lungs. This condition leads to shortness of breath and chest pain (angina). The condition where there is complete blockage of the artery may lead to heart attack. As it is said, prevention is better than cure, a healthy lifestyle can help to prevent the coronary artery disease.
The coronary artery disease begins with damage to the arteries. The damaged artery accumulates fatty deposits (plaque) made of cholesterol, causing blockage of the artery. The damage to the inner layers of the artery may happen in early childhood or due to factors like smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, insulin resistance, and sedentary lifestyle. The accumulation of cholesterol or fatty deposits at the damaged area of the artery is called as atherosclerosis.
Coronary artery disease is characterized by chest pain (angina), shortness of breath, and heart attack. Chest pain is characterized by high pressure or tightness in the chest. There is a feeling that someone is standing on the chest. Pain follows chest tightness.
A few risk factors contribute to the occurrence of coronary artery disease. First, older and the aged are greatly susceptible to coronary artery disease. Men are more susceptible to this condition than women. Hereditary factors and family history of coronary artery disease enhances the risk of the disease. Direct smoking and secondhand smoking also creates the risk of coronary heart disease. High BP, excess of cholesterol and obesity may also lead to the risk of coronary artery disease.
Usually, it is not just one risk factor that causes coronary artery disease. It may be two or three factors acting at one time, likewise obesity, diabetes and high BP together causing the occurrence of coronary artery disease. The complications or fallout of coronary artery disease is seen as chest pain (angina), heart attack, heart failure and abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia).
The doctor or consultant cardiologist asks questions relating to the patient’s medical history, medical reports, prescriptions of other doctors, physical examination, and records the general health condition. Tests and diagnosis of coronary artery disease includes, Electrocardiogram (ECG), Echocardiogram, stress test, angiogram and heart scan.
ECG records the electrical signals of the heart. Echocardiogram uses sound waves to produce images of the heart that help the doctor to study the heart’s pumping activity. If angiogram reports on the flow of blood through the heart, the heart scan helps to identify calcium deposits in the arteries.
Treatments for coronary artery disease aim at promoting a healthy lifestyle which includes, quitting smoking, eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, following weight management programs, and making efforts to reduce stress. There are different types of drugs to treat coronary artery disease.
The surgical procedures to restore and improve heartÛªs blood flow include angioplasty and stent placement, and coronary artery bypass surgery. By consulting your doctor, you can take the corrective steps, and availing the right course of treatment. Specialist doctors and surgeons provide an assurance on longer period of happy and healthy life.
Yashoda Hospitals’ Heart Institute
Yashoda Hospitals’ Heart Institute offers comprehensive, multi-disciplinary programmes for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Cardiological and Cardiothoracic conditions. The Institute is a synergy of a state-of-the-art facility, top doctors, technology, best practices in non-invasive, interventional and surgical procedures and comprehensive emergency services.
Innovative and scientifically based treatments for heart disease have always been the hallmark of Yashoda Heart Institute. The Centre for Cardiothoracic Surgery at Yashoda uses the most advanced technologies, the newest surgical equipment and procedures to perform a complete range of surgeries for patients with heart disease. With a very high success rate of 98.7%, the cardiothoracic surgeons are highly qualified and experienced.
The Centre routinely performs CABGs, Open Heart Surgeries, Valve Replacements and Repairs, Minimally Invasive cardiac Surgery using Octopus, etc. We are fully equipped to handle a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.