
What is an AFP test?

AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) test is essentially a blood sample analysis used to detect alpha-fetoprotein levels in pregnant women. Alpha-fetoprotein is a protein made by the foetus’ liver during pregnancy. Generally, healthy males and non-pregnant females do not have any alpha-fetoprotein levels in their bodies. Therefore, high alpha-fetoprotein levels in males and non-pregnant females could indicate cancer. Additionally, during pregnancy, too high or too low levels of alpha-fetoprotein could indicate chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome, Edward syndrome, a twin pregnancy (in which alpha-fetoprotein levels are higher than normal), and head and spinal abnormalities. These tests are usually performed between the 14th to 22nd weeks of pregnancy.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

What is an AFP test used for?

An AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) test is used to analyse alpha-fetoprotein levels in the mother’s blood. Abnormal levels of AFP could indicate foetal abnormalities such as genetic defects or abdominal wall and spinal conditions such as anencephaly and spina bifida. Alpha-fetoprotein levels are also useful to analyse the age of the pregnancy and twin pregnancy.

Understanding the test results of AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) test

During pregnancy, high levels of AFP could indicate neural abnormalities such as spina bifida or twins. In healthy men and non-pregnant women, the levels of alpha-fetoprotein must be between 10 ng/mL to 20 ng/mL. Higher levels could indicate ovarian, liver, lymph node cancers or recurrence of previous tumours. False-positive results are also possible.

Why do I need an AFP test?

AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) tests are advisable for pregnant women so that the doctor can rule out neural or genetic abnormalities in the foetus via a very non-invasive test. Doctors also order alpha-fetoprotein tests in men and non-pregnant women to rule out cancers in the body. Book an appointment with us to get your AFP tests done.

What happens during an AFP test?

During the test, the doctor usually takes a sample of the patient’s blood and sends it to the laboratory to determine the alpha-fetoprotein level in the body. It can be easily performed in diagnostic laboratories on an outpatient basis.

Do you need to fast for the AFP blood test?

AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) tests are usually performed in outpatient diagnostic laboratories. Therefore, the tests require no special preparation during or after. The laboratory technician just draws a blood sample from the patient to determine the test results. Therefore, there is no need to fast before this blood test. 

What is a normal level for the AFP test?

Generally, in 15 to 18 weeks pregnant women, levels of the AFP can range between 10 ng/ml to 150 ng/ml. However, in the case of patients with liver cirrhosis diagnosed with AFP levels of greater than 200 ng/ml, it strongly indicates hepatocellular carcinoma – the most common form of liver cancer. Get a free second opinion on your test results from our experts.

How long does it take to get AFP test results?

Depending on your diagnostic laboratory, you can usually obtain AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) test results within one or two weeks after the test has been performed. To get your test done with us, you can book an appointment with us.

When is the AFP test most accurate?

An alpha-fetoprotein test is usually performed on pregnant women between the 14th and 22nd weeks of pregnancy. However, reliable test results are generally obtained between 16 to 18 weeks of pregnancy. Since alpha-fetoprotein test results can vary depending on the age of the foetus, it is crucial to know the date of pregnancy.

Can the AFP test be wrong?

Yes, they can be. But, abnormal alpha-fetoprotein test results are not an absolute indicator of health problems with your baby. To confirm the diagnosis, doctors often order other tests such as amniocentesis. Get a second opinion on your alpha-fetoprotein test results from us.

Can fatty liver cause elevated AFP?

Yes, a fatty liver can cause alpha-fetoprotein levels to rise in the body. For instance, in patients with hepatic cirrhosis, hepatic carcinoma, and liver damage, alpha-fetoprotein tests are usually performed to assess the severity of the disease. Thus, higher levels of alpha-fetoprotein can indicate functional liver damage. Book an appointment with us now to get your test done.

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