
Dr. Rajasekara Chakravarthi Madarasu Consultant Nephrologist, Clinical Director & HOD of Nephrology and Transplant Services

Dr. Rajasekara Chakravarthi Madarasu

Dr. Rajasekara Chakravarthi Madarasu

MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine), DNB (Nephrology)

Department: Nephrology
Designation: Consultant Nephrologist, Clinical Director & HOD of Nephrology and Transplant Services
Years Of Experience: 32
Location: Hitec City
Languages: English, Hindi, Telugu
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Dr. Rajasekara Chakravarthi Madarasu is a Senior Consultant Nephrologist, Clinical Director & HOD of Nephrology and Transplant Services at Yashoda Hospitals, Hitec City, with over 29 years of experience.

Education Qualifications

Education Qualifications

  • 1999: DNB Nephrology, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai
  • 1997: MD Internal Medicine, JSSMC, University of Mysore
  • 1992-1993: Internship, JSSMC Hospital, University of Mysore
  • 1992: MBBS, JSSMC, University of Mysore
  • Aug 2022-Present: Senior Consultant Nephrologist, Clinical Director & HOD of Nephrology and Transplant Services, Yashoda Hospitals, Hitec City
  • Sep 2015-July 2022: Chief Nephrologist, Star Hospitals
  • Aug 2011-Sep 2015: Director of Nephrology Services, Care Hospitals, India
  • Mar 2002-Aug 2011: Chief, Department of Nephrology, Care Hospitals, Hyderabad
  • Oct 2000-Mar 2002: Consultant Nephrologist, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai
  • Aug 1999-Oct 2000: Assistant Professor, Department of Nephrology, JSSMC Mysore
  • June 1997-June 1999: Registrar, Department of Nephrology, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai
  • April 1997-June 1997: Lecturer, Department of Medicine, JSSMC Hospital, Mysore
  • Sep 1993-March 1997: Postgraduate Registrar, Department of Internal Medicine, JSSMC Hospital, Mysore
  • Mar 1993-Sep 1993: Resident, Department of Nephrology, JSSMC Hospital, Mysore
Research & PublicationsResearch & Publications
  • A case of ‘Cobb Syndrome’ G.V.S. Chowdary, Rajasekara Chakravarthi, Basappa. Jour Asso Physician of India, August 1996.
  • Recovery of renal functions after cholesterol embolization on CAPD. B.Subba Rao, Rajasekara Chakravarthi Indian J. Nephrol Aug-Sept 1998
  • Use of Basiliximab in renal transplantation – Does it prevent acute rejections? Shamik H Shah, Rajasekara Chakravarthi, B. Subba Rao Indian J Nephrol 2000 10:144
  • Pattern of PET in Indian CAPD population. Rajasekara Chakravarthi, K.C.Prakash Indian J Perit Dial June 2002
  • Monoclonal gammopathies - A series. Shaistha Hussaini, Rajasekara Chakravarthi, S.Naidu Indian J Nephrol November 2004
  • CRRT Indian Experience. Rajasekara Chakravarthi, Shaistha Hussaini, S. Talluri Blood Purif; 21:183-206. 2003
  • CRRT in a tertiary centre in India. Rajasekara Chakravarthi, Shaistha Hussaini, Sai Ram Reddy. Blood Purif; 23:149- 174.2005
  • Predictors of the fall in glomerular filtration rate in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. Sai Ram Keithi Reddy, M.Gopichand, Lokeshwar Rao Sajja, M.Shaista Hussaini, Sita Devi, Shanti Naidu, Rajasekara Chakravarthi, Nephron 2004
  • Coronary artery bypass grafting with (or) without cardiopulmonary bypass in patients with preoperative non- dialysis dependent renal insufficiency: a randomized study. Lokeswara Rao, Sajja ,Gopichand Mannam, Rajasekara Chakravarthi,Sriramulu, Somapalli, Shanti Naidu, Bhupathi Raju Somaraju, Raghava Raju Penumatsa. Thoracic Cardiovasc Surgery, 2007;133:378-388.
  • In search of strategies for optimizing outcomes in patients with compromised renal functions undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting, Cardiology, Feb 2008; 111:21-22.
  • The Contrasting Characteristics of Acute Kidney Injury in Developed and Developing Countries. J Cerda, V Kher, Rajasekara Chakravarthi, A Bagga. (Published in Nature Clinical Practice 4,138-153, Mar 2008.
  • Cytomegalovirus Virus disease with Guillain-Barr’s Syndrome in a Cadaver Renal Allograft Recipient Cause (or) Coincidence. Sai Ram R. Kethi Reddy, Rajasekara Chakravarthi, M.S. Hussaini, Rohini R. Venkatapuram, J.M.K. Murthy. Int Uro-nephro DOI 10.1007/S 11255-007- 9197-7 .
  • Renal Failure in Leptospirosis in India. S.Samavedams Rajasekara Chakravarthi, Jagatkar GM, Hussaini S, Roy RM, Kamesh KV. Blood Purif; March, 2007
  • Outcomes of acute renal failure among patients with CKD. S. Samavedam, Rajasekara Chakravarthi, Avatar GM Hussaini. S. Blood Purif; March, 2007
  • Strategies for optimizing outcomes in patients with compromised renal function undergoing coronary bypass grafting. L.R. Sajja, G.C. Mannam, Rajasekara Chakravarthi. Cardiology 2008; 111:21-22.
  • Is Induction a Necessary Strategy for Renal Transplantation. Rajasekara Chakravarthi, Shahista Hussani, Harikrishna Marri, Guri, S.B. Palabukkala- Transplantation, 86, 25.
  • Biomarkers in acute kidney injury, published in the Textbook of Critical Care Update 2008
  • Estimation of GFR by the MDRD equation in a healthy Indian population. Dr. Rajasekara Chakravarthi, Dr. S. Hussaini, Dr. K. Mahesh, Dr. S. Naidu. Indian Journal of Nephrology January 2008
  • Acute Renal Failure in the Neuro ICU. Dr. Rajasekara Chakravarthi, Dr. S. Hussaini, K.M.Prasad, J. M. K. Murthi Blood Purif 2009
  • Citrate anticoagulation in CRRT, Dr. Hari Krishna, Dr. R. Chakravarthi, Dr. S. Hussaini, Dr. Vikranth Reddy, published in Blood Purif 2010.
  • Metabolic Acidosis, published in the Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine, Yearbook, 2010
  • Prevention of Acute Kidney Injury in the ICU, published in the Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine Yearbook, 2010
  • Acid Base disorders in the critically ill published in Criticare 2010 Theme book (51-56).
  • 22. Peritoneal dialysis in acute kidney injury-lessons learned & applied. Emmanuel A. Burdmann, Rajasekara Chakravarthi, published in Seminars in Dialysis (Mar-Apr) 2011; Vol 24: No 2, 149-156.
  • PD patient initial training protocol, published in the 1st supplement of the Indian Journal of Peritoneal Dialysis,Sept 2011. Dr. R. Chakravarthi, Dr. Georgi Abraham, Dr. R. Ravindran, Dr. Sreelatha, Dr. T. Jeloka, Dr. K. Sampath Kumar
  • Impact of Preoperative Renal Dysfunction on Outcomes of Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting-Published in The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, Lokeswara Rao Sajja, Gopichand Mannam, Rajasekara Chakravarthi, Jyothsna Guttikonda, Sriramulu Sompallui, and Joshua Bloomstone (2011; 92:2161-7)
  • Histopathological diagnosis of kidney disease from a single centre-published in IJN, Vol 21, Supplement, Dec 2011. Ravikiran, Rajasekara Chakravarthi, Vikranth Reddy, Shaista Hussaini, Sreedhar Reddy
  • Laboratory and Clinical Harmonization of GFR, Shanthi Naidu, Rajasekara Chakravarthi, Vikranth Reddy, Shaista Hussaini. Published in IJN, Vol. 21, Supplement, Dec 2011
  • New Biomarkers in Acute Kidney Injury, Rajasekara M. Chakravarthi, Sachin Soni, Sonali, Anuradha Raman, Vikranth Reddy, Rupesh, Asish Bhansali. Published in Nephrology and Clinical Chemistry: The Essential Link, 2012, 49-57.
  • Management of Chronic Allograft Nephropathy in India-An overview published in Chronic Allograft Nephropathy, ECAB Clinical Update-Nephrology, Dr. Sreedhar Reddy, Dr. Rajasekara Chakravarthi
  • Type 1 CRS: Acute Cardiorenal Syndrome, published in Cardiorenal Syndrome, ECAB Clinical Update: Nephrology. Dr. B. Soma Raju, Dr. R. Chakravarthi, Dr. Hari Krishna Marri
  • Use of biomarkers to assess prognosis and guide management of patients with acute kidney injury. Cruz DN, Bagshaw SM, Maisel A, Lewington A, Thadhani R, Chakravarthi R, Murray PT, Mehta RL, Chawla LS. Contrib Nephrol. 2013; 182:45-64. doi: 10.1159/000349965. Epub 2013 May 13.
  • Renal sympathetic denervation for treatment of resistant hypertension - Indigenous technique. Manakshe G, Chakravarthi R, Hussaini S, Menon R, Srinivas Kumar A, Ravi Kiran V, Sundar G, Narasimhan C. Indian Heart J. 2013 May-Jun; 65(3):239-42. doi: 10.1016/j.ihj.2013.04.030. Epub 2013 Apr 19
  • “Epidemiology of Acute Kidney Injury in Indian Intensive Care Unit - Single Centre Study”, published in the ASN’s 2013 Abstract Supplement of JASN
  • “Use of Biomarkers to Assess Prognosis and Guide Management of Patients with Acute Kidney Injury." Dinna N. Cruz a, b · Sean M. Bagshaw c · Alan Maisel d · Andrew Lewington e · Ravi Thadhani f · Rajasekara Chakravarthi g · Patrick T. Murray h · Ravindra L. Mehta i · Lakhmir S. Chawla j. ADQI Consensus on AKI Biomarkers and Cardiorenal Syndromes. Contrib Nephrol. Basel, Karger, 2013, Vol. 182, pp 45–64
  • Implementation of Novel Biomarkers in the Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Management of Acute Kidney Injury: Executive Summary from the Tenth Consensus Conference of the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI)- Peter A. McCullough, Josee Bouchard, Sushrut S. Waikar, Edward D. Siew, Zoltan H. Endre, Stuart L. Goldstein, Jay L. Koyner, Etienne Macedo, Kent Doi, Salvatore Di Somma, Andrew Lewington, Ravi Thadhani, Raj Chak, Andrew D. Shaw, Claudio Ronco - ADQI Consensus on AKI Biomarkers and Cardiorenal Syndromes. Contrib Nephrol. Basel, Karger, 2013, Vol. 182, pp 5–12.
  • Current use of biomarkers in acute kidney injury: report and summary of recommendations from the 10th Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative consensus conference. Patrick T. Murray, Ravindra L. Mehta, Andrew Shaw, Claudio Ronco , Zoltan Endre, John A. Kellum Lakhmir S. Chawla, Dinna Cruz, Can Ince, Mark D. Okusa, and for the ADQI workgroup published in KI, Received 20 February 2013; revised 19 June 2013; accepted 27 June 2013
  • Use of Biomarkers to Assess Prognosis and Guide Management of Patients with Acute Kidney Injury, Dinna N. Cruz, Sean M. Bagshaw, Alan Maisel, Andrew Lewington, Ravi Thadhani, Rajasekara Chakravarthi, Patrick T. Murray, Ravindra L. Mehta Lakhmir, S. Chawla for the ADQI 10, Workgroup. Published in the ADQI Consensus on AKI Biomarkers and Cardiorenal Syndromes. Contrib Nephrol. Basel, Karger, 2013, Vol. 182, pp 45–64
  • Ultrafiltration by peritoneal route in refractory chronic congestive cardiac failure Rajasekara Chakravarthi M, Santosh Hedau, P. Vikranth Reddy and Piyush Mathur Journal of Nephrology and Therapeutics 2013, 3:5
  • Epidemiology of Acute Kidney Injury in Indian Intensive Care Unit – Single Centre Study, Rajasekara Chakravarthi Madarasu, Piyush Mathur, Rusheendra Kambhampati, Vikranth Reddy, Santosh Hedau JASN-Kidney Week Supplement 2013
  • Ascitic Fluid Ultrafiltration and Reinfusion Therapy (AURT), Piyush Mathur, Rajasekara Chakravarthi, Sethu Babu, Vikranth Reddy, N. Subramanyam, Santosh Hedau, March 2014 Volume 4
  • A Prospective International Multicenter Study of AKI in the Intensive Care Unit, Josée Bouchard, Anjali Acharya, Jorge Cerda, Elizabeth R. Maccariello, Rajasekara Chakravarthi Madarasu , Ashita J. Tolwani , Xinling Liang, Ping Fu, Hong Liu, Ravindra L. Mehta. Published in CJASN, May 2015
  • “Phenotype Standardization for drug-induced kidney disease” published in Kidney International, Aug 2015 Volume 88, Issue 2 (226-234)
  • Peritoneal dialysis for patients with refractory heart failure and chronic kidney disease, Chakravarthi RM 1, Nageswara Pamidi 1 MD, Aruna Mangipudi 2 MBBS, Harikrishna Reddy Mogili 2 MD, Anil Kumar Cheni Venkata 2 MD, Boju Sangeetha Lakshmi 2 MD, Ram R 2 MD, V Siva Kumar 2 MD, Abhilash Koratala 3 MD
  • Ultrafiltration by peritoneal route in refractory congestive cardiac failure, Chakravarthi MR, Santosh H, Vikranth PR, Piyush M., J Nephrol Therapeutic; 2013:3:5
  • Precision Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy and Solute Control Sean, M. Bagshaw a, Madarasu Rajasekara Chakravarthi, b Zaccaria Ricci Z, Ashita Tolwani D M., Neri F S. De Rosa f John A. Kellum c, Claudio Ronco c, on behalf of the ADQI Consensus Group, Blood Purif. 2016; 42(3):238-47
  • Acute Kidney Injury Risk Assessment: Differences and Similarities Between Resource-Limited and Resource-Rich Countries; Kianoush Kashani, Etienne Macedo, Emmanuel A. Burdmann, Lai Seong Hooi, Dinesh Khullar, Arvind Bagga, Rajasekara Chakravarthi and Ravindra Mehta; on behalf of the Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) Consensus Group; Kidney International Reports 2017 Jul;2(4):519-529
  • Renal Support for Acute Kidney Injury in the Developing World; Rajeev A. Annigeri, Marlies Ostermann, Ashita Tolwani, Armando Vazquez-Rangel, Daniela Ponce, Arvind Bagga, Rajasekara Chakravarthi and Ravindra L. Mehta, for the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Consensus Group; Kidney International Reports (2017) 2, 559–578
  • Strategies to Enhance Rehabilitation After Acute Kidney Injury in the Developing World; Samuel A. Silver, Dwomoa Adu, Sanjay Agarwal, K.L. Gupta, Andrew J.P. Lewington, Neesh Pannu, Arvind Bagga, Rajasekara Chakravarthi, and Ravindra L. Mehta; for the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Consensus Group; Kidney International Reports (2017) 2, 579–593
  • Acute Kidney Injury Recognition in Low-and Middle-Income Countries, Jorge Cerdá, Sumit Mohan, Guillermo Garcia-Garcia, Vivekanand Jha, Srinivas Samavedam, Swarnalata Gowrishankar, Arvind Bagga, Rajasekara Chakravarthi, and Ravindra Mehta, on behalf of the Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) Consensus Group; Kidney International Reports (2017) 2, 530–543
  • Prevention and Therapy of Acute Kidney Injury in the Developing World, Vijay Kher, Nattachai Srisawat, Eisei Noiri, Mohammed Benghanem Gharbi, Manjunath S. Shetty, Li Yang, Arvind Bagga, Rajasekara Chakravarthi, and Ravindra Mehta; on behalf of the Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) Consensus Group; Kidney International Reports (2017) 2, 544–558
  • Detection and Management of AKI in the Developing World: The 18th Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) International Consensus Conference; Ravindra Mehta, Arvind Bagga, Rahul Patibandla and Rajasekara Chakravarthi; Kidney International Reports (2017) 2, 515–518
  • Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease; P Vijay Varma, M. Rajasekara Chakravarthi, G. Jyothsna; Hypertension Journal, XXXX-XXXX 2016;2(1):1-7
  • Peritoneal Dialysis in Cardio renal Syndrome; S. Hedau, R. Chakravarthi M, Peritoneal Dialysis Primer of First Edition 2017, (Editors: Dakshinamurty KV, Siva Kumar V, Ram R, Sangeetha Lakshmi B); 664-678.
  • R. Chakravarthi, Vikranth, R.A.Theat and M. Hari Krishna, 2009: Role of CAPD in refractory congestive heart failure. Indian Society Peritoneal Dialysis Cong., (abstract)
  • Chakravarthi M.R., H.Santhosh, P.R. Vikranth, and M.Piyush, 2013: Ultrafiltration by peritoneal route in refractory chronic congestive cardiac failure. J.Nephrology Therapeutic., 2013, 3-5
Awards and AchievementsAwards and Achievements
  • Oreopoulos Award for the Best Paper, II PDSI-August 1998, Hyderabad
  • Travel Grant to attend the 47th Annual Conference of JSDT, July 2002
  • Travel Grant to attend the 5th Prevention of Renal Disease Conference in Toronto, September 2006
  • Tanker Award for the Best Paper presented at the ISN Annual Conference, December 2007 in Delhi
Research Grants & ProjectsFAQ'S
  1. 1. Why do patients frequently visit Dr. Rajasekara Chakravarthi Madarasu?

    Patients visit Dr. Rajasekara Chakravarthi Madarasu to receive treatment for various kidney diseases.

  2. 2. What is Dr. Rajasekara Chakravarthi Madarasu's educational qualification?

    Dr. Rajasekara Chakravarthi Madarasu holds the following qualifications: MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine), DNB (Nephrology).

  3. 3. What does Dr. Rajasekara Chakravarthi Madarasu specialise in?

    Dr. Rajasekara Chakravarthi Madarasu is a Consultant Nephrologist, Clinical Director & HOD of Nephrology and Transplant Services who specialises in treating various kidney-related conditions and performing kidney transplants.

  4. 4. Where does Dr. Rajasekara Chakravarthi Madarasu practice?

    Dr. Rajasekara Chakravarthi Madarasu practices at Yashoda Hospitals, Hitec City.

  5. 5. How can I book Dr. Rajasekara Chakravarthi Madarasu’s appointment?

    You can schedule an appointment with Dr. Rajasekara Chakravarthi Madarasu for both an Online Video Consultation and an OPD Consultation by visiting his profile on Yashoda Hospitals.

  6. 6. How many years of experience does Dr. Rajasekara Chakravarthi Madarasu have?

    Dr. Rajasekara Chakravarthi Madarasu has over 29 years of experience as a Nephrologist.


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