
Dr. V. Rajasekhar Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiology & Electrophysiology, Certified Proctor For TAVR & Clinical Director

Dr. V. Rajasekhar

Dr. V. Rajasekhar

MD, DM (Cardiology)

Department: Cardiology
Designation: Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiology & Electrophysiology, Certified Proctor For TAVR & Clinical Director
Years Of Experience: 29
Day time OPD: MON - FRI 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Day time OPD: SAT 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Location: Hitec City
Languages: English, Telugu, Hindi
Med Reg No: 13586
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Dr. V. Rajasekhar is a Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiology & Electrophysiology, Certified TAVR Operator & Clinical Director at Yashoda Hospitals, Hitec City, with over 27 years of experience.

Education Qualifications

Education Qualifications

  • Certified Specialist for TAVR (Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation)
  • Fellowship in Electrophysiology
  • MD, DM (Cardiology)
  • 2010-Present: Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiology & Electrophysiology, Certified TAVR Operator & Clinical Director, Yashoda Hospitals, Hitec City
  • 1998-2010: Consultant Cardiologist
  • 1997-1998: Senior Registrar
Services offeredServices offered
  • Clinical Cardiology and Risk Management
  • Interventional Cardiology, including Complex Coronary Interventions like Left Main Stent, CTO, Bifurcation Stenting, Graft Stenting, ECMO Supported Interventions, Aortic Interventions including EVAR, Angioplasty
  • Structural Intervention-Balloon Intervention for Valve Disease, Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation, Watchman Procedure for LA Appendage Closure
  • Electrophysiology and Catheter Ablation of Arrhythmias
  • Implantation of Pacemaker, AICD, Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT-D)
  • Rotablator, IVUS, OCT, FFR Assisted Interventions
  • Peripheral Vascular Interventions
Special Interest and ExpertiseSpecial Interest and Expertise
  • Complex Coronary and Aortic Interventions
  • Transcatheter Valve Interventions
Awards and AchievementsAwards and Achievements
  • Times Group-Best Cardiologist Award 2017
  • ANBAI-Best DNB Teacher Award 2019
Research Grants & ProjectsFAQ'S
  1. 1. Why do patients frequently visit Dr. V. Rajasekhar?

    Patients visit Dr. V. Rajasekhar for Clinical Cardiology and Risk Management, Interventional Cardiology (Left Main Stent, CTO, Bifurcation Stenting, Graft Stenting, ECMO Supported Interventions, Aortic Interventions including EVAR, Angioplasty), Implantation of Pacemaker, Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy, and Peripheral Vascular Interventions, among others.

  2. 2. What is Dr. V. Rajasekhar's educational qualification?

    Dr. V. Rajasekhar holds the following qualifications: MD, DM (Cardiology).

  3. 3. What does Dr. V. Rajasekhar specialise in?

    Dr. V. Rajasekhar is a Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiology & Electrophysiology, Certified TAVR Operator & Clinical Director who specialises in Complex Coronary and Aortic Interventions, and Transcatheter Valve Interventions, among others.

  4. 4. Where does Dr. V. Rajasekhar practice?

    Dr. V. Rajasekhar practices at Yashoda Hospitals, Hitec City.

  5. 5. How can I book Dr. V. Rajasekhar’s appointment?

    You can schedule an appointment with Dr. V. Rajasekhar for both an Online Video Consultation and an OPD Consultation by visiting his profile on Yashoda Hospitals.

  6. 6. How many years of experience does Dr. V. Rajasekhar have?

    Dr. V. Rajasekhar has over 27 years of experience as an Interventional Cardiologist.

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Health File

Exercise for better health | Dr. V. Rajasekhar, Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiology & Electrophysiology, Certified TAVR Operator & Clinical Director

ఆకస్మికంగా ఏర్పడే గుండె సమస్యలను గుర్తించడం ఎలా? | Dr. V. Rajasekhar, Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiology & Electrophysiology, Certified TAVR Operator & Clinical Director

Modern Treatment For Heart Valves Problems | Dr. V. Rajasekhar, Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiology & Electrophysiology, Certified TAVR Operator & Clinical Director

How COVID-19 Affects Heart Patients? | Dr. V. Rajasekhar, Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiology & Electrophysiology, Certified TAVR Operator & Clinical Director

Are Heart Patients More Susceptible to COVID-19 | Dr. V. Rajasekhar, Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiology & Electrophysiology, Certified TAVR Operator & Clinical Director

Transcatheter Mitral Valve Implantation | Dr. V. Rajasekhar, Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiology & Electrophysiology, Certified TAVR Operator & Clinical Director

Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) for Aortic Stenosis | Dr. V. Rajasekhar, Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiology & Electrophysiology, Certified TAVR Operator & Clinical Director

ట్రాన్సకాథెటర్ అయోర్టిక్ వాల్వ్ ఇంప్లాంటేషన్ (TAVI)-అయోర్టిక్ స్టెనోసిస్ కు ఆధునిక చికిత్స | Dr. V. Rajasekhar, Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiology & Electrophysiology, Certified TAVR Operator & Clinical Director

Pregnancy Induced Hypertension | Dr. V. Rajasekhar, Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiology & Electrophysiology, Certified TAVR Operator & Clinical Director

Cholesterol Levels-Heart Problems | Dr. V. Rajasekhar, Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiology & Electrophysiology, Certified TAVR Operator & Clinical Director

Symptoms of Heart Murmur | Dr. V. Rajasekhar, Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiology & Electrophysiology, Certified TAVR Operator & Clinical Director

Blogs by Dr. V. Rajasekhar

నాళములో దూర్చిన గొట్టము ద్వారా బృహద్ధమని కవాటం భర్తీ చేయుట (TAVR)

May 15, 2020 13:43

TAVR అనేది ఒక Novel ప్రక్రియ, ఓపెన్ హార్ట్ సర్జరీ ప్రమాదకరమని భావించే రోగులకు ఇది బాగా పనిచేస్తుంది.

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Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) for severe aortic valve stenosis

Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) for severe aortic valve stenosis

Sep 13, 2019 15:35

Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) is helpful for patients with aortic stenosis, who are very weak and cannot tolerate a major heart surgery.

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heart failure causes symptoms

హార్ట్‌ ఫెయిల్యూర్‌ అంటే ఏమిటి… రాకుండా తీసుకోవాల్సిన జాగ్రత్తలేమిటి?

May 21, 2019 16:13

గుండె మన శరీరంలో ఒక ప్రధానమైన అవయవం. శరీరంలో అవయవాలన్నింటికీ నిరంతరం రక్తం సరఫరా చేస్తుండే ఒక అద్భుతమైన పంపింగ్‌ మోటార్‌ ఇది. ఈ రక్తప్రసరణ వల్లనే అన్ని అవయవాలకూ పోషకాలు, ఆక్సిజన్‌ అందడం మాత్రమే కాకుండా రక్తంలో చేరిన కార్బన్‌ డై ఆక్సైడ్, శరీరంలోని జీవక్రియల వల్ల …

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Cardiac Electrophysiology for Abnormal Heartbeats

Rhythms of the Heart

Apr 26, 2019 15:06

For the heart to pump blood through the body, it needs an electrical impulse to start a heartbeat. This electrical impulse fires first in an area of the heart called the sino-artial (S-A) node. The S-A node gives off electrical impulses that make the heart beat 60 to 100 times per minute under normal conditions.

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Pacemaker-surgery- procedure

All About the Cardiac Pacemaker

Apr 12, 2019 18:39

A pacemaker is a device that regulates the heart beat. If your doctor recommends a pacemaker for you, you will need to undergo surgery for it to be implanted. This reference summary explains how pacemakers work, and the benefits and risks of having one.

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Testimonial for Dr. V. Rajasekhar

Mr. Shaik Mahaboob Saheb

Patient Location: Ongole

Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is a procedure used for...

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Mrs. Uddandam Sridevi

Patient Location: Hyderabad

Aortic valve replacement is a surgical procedure used to treat abnormalities in...

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Mrs. Shankaramma

Patient Location: Hyderabad

My aortic valve was replaced through a TAVR procedure here. I am grateful to...

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M. Chandra Mouli

Patient Location: Hyderabad

I underwent transcatheter mitral valve replacement at Yashoda hospital. Not...

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Mrs. Monika Ailawadi

Patient Location: Hyderabad

Mrs. Monika Ailwadi underwent two procedures with Dr. V. Rajasekhar at Yashoda...

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Case Studies by Dr. V. Rajasekhar

the right ventricular tract

The Right Ventricular outflow tract : the most desirable site for true septal spacing – A single operator experience

May 10, 2021 13:30
A Retrospective observational follow-up study was conducted on 140 cohort cases, who underwent RVOT (Right Ventricular Outflow Tract) Septal pacing, for class I indication for pacemaker

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Left atrial appendage device

Left atrial appendage device closure with WATCHMAN device for atrial fibrillation

Nov 09, 2019 11:09
Background A 67-year old female patient presented at Yashoda Hospitals with atrial fibrillation.  Diagnosis & Treatment She had a CHA2DS2-VASc score of 4. Therefore, she needed

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TAVR procedure for the management of severe aortic stenosis

TAVR procedure for the management of severe aortic stenosis

Background A 62-year-old female patient with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis presented at Yashoda Hospitals, Secunderabad. Diagnosis & Treatment For further management of aortic

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TMVR Valve-in-Valve procedure to correct valve degeneration and severe mitral regurgitation

A 71-year old male patient who had undergone mitral valve replacement (bioprosthetic valve) in 2005 came with valve degeneration and severe mitral regurgitation. Diagnosis & Treatment He

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