
Mechanical Power – A New Concept In Ventilation

Mechanical Power – A New Concept In Ventilation

Yashoda Hospitals Hyderabad Cordially Invites You to A Scientific Webinar.

Date & Time: 18th April 2023 (Tuesday), 07:00 PM onwards
Webinar Link: https://bit.ly/3m9hQEN
Webinar ID: 851 6717 4813
Passcode: 065098


Dr. Ram E Raja Gopalan
MBBS, AB (Internal Medicine),
AB (Critical Care)
Prof. and HOD – Dept. of Critical Care Medicine,
SRMC, Chennai


Dr. Venkat Raman Kola
Clinical Director,
Department of Critical Care Medicine
Yashoda Hospitals

Yashoda Hospitals in association with the Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine- Hyderabad Chapter brings forth interesting and relevant topics of the latest in Medicine and Critical Care, with experienced doctors.

Yashoda Hospitals believes in shared learning and a collaborative approach for the best standards of care.