Pulmonary Hypertension Clinics

Dr. Pavan Gorukanti, MD
Pulmonary & Critical Care (ABIM),
Director – Yashoda Hospitals
Dr. Vamsi Krishna M, MD
Consultant Interventional Pulmonologist,
Yashoda Hospitals, Malakpet
PROGRAMME SCHEDULE - January 8, 2023
SESSION 1 : 09:30 am to 10:30 am
Topic 1 : Pulmonary Hypertension: Classification and Guidelines: An Update: Dr. R Vijai Kumar
Topic 2 : Approach to Pulmonary Hypertension: Dr. Vamsi Krishna
Topic 3 : 2D Echo Role in Diagnosis and Management: Dr. Pawan Poddar
Chairpersons : Dr. V. Srinivas, Dr. Sabarinadh, Dr. Venkat Reddy
SESSION 2 : 10:30 am to 11:30 am
Topic 4 : Managing PH in Groups 2 and 3: Dr. SK Chhabra
Topic 5 : CTEPH Diagnosis and Management: Dr. Paramjyoti
Topic 6 : Lung Transplant: Role in PAH Dr. Gnanesh Thacker
Chairpersons : Dr. Ramakrishna, Dr. Sitaram, Dr. Ashwin, Dr. Amit Sarda
11:30 am to 12:00 pm
Inauguration of PH Clinics : Dr. Pavan Gorukanti, Pulmo Team, Cardio Team
SESSION 3 : 12:15 pm to 01:15 pm
Topic 7 : PH in the context of Connective Tissue Disease and ILD: An overview Dr. Satish C. Reddy
Topic 8 : What to DO and what NOT TO DO: PH Guidelines Review: Dr. Ugandhar Bhattu
Topic 9 : Establishment of PH Centre: Dr. Kedar Hibare
Chairpersons : Dr. Santosh, Dr. Ranga Santosh, Dr. Sasidhar Reddy
Panel Discussion : Why do we need PH Clinics?
Moderator: Dr. Vamsi Krishna
Panelists : Dr. S.K. Chhabra, Dr. R. Vijai Kumar, Dr. Pawan Poddar, Dr. Paramjyoti
Vote of Thanks
Followed by Lunch
For Registration, Contact : Dr. Kirthi : +91 901 018 4527
VENUE : 6th Floor, Auditorium Yashoda Hospitals, Malakpet
National Faculty
Dr. S.K. Chhabra
Head of Department, Pulmonary Sleep and
Critical Care Medicine at Primus Super Speciality Hospital
Former Director – Professor Pulmonary Medicine,
VP Chest Institute, Delhi
Dr. R. Vijai Kumar
Professor Pulmonary Medicine,
MediCiti Medical College, Hyderabad
Dr. G. K. Paramjyothi
Prof and HOD, Department of
Pulmonary Medicine, NIMS Hyderabad
Dr. Kedar R. Hibare
Consultant Interventional Pulmonologist,
Narayana Health City, Bangalore
Dr. Pawan Poddar, MD
Director of Cath Lab & Senior Consultant
Interventional Cardiologist
Yashoda Hospitals, Malakpet
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