Role of Vitamins in Septic Shock (Vitamin B1, C & D)

Role of Vitamins in Septic Shock (Vitamin B1, C & D)
Really Effective or Not?
Date & Time: 9th February, 2021 (Tuesday), 7:00 PM onwards
Webinar Link:
Webinar ID: 946 0843 4964
Passcode: 273944
Dr. Hari Prasad
Consultant Critical Care Medicine
Yashoda Hospitals, Secunderabad
Dr. Abhishek
Consultant Critical Care Medicine
Yashoda Hospitals, Secunderabad
Dr. Venkat Raman Kola
Clinical Director – Dept. of Critical Care Medicine
Yashoda Hospitals
Every Tuesday evening we bring forth interesting and relevant topics of the latest in Emergency Medicine and Critical Care with our experts at Yashoda Hospitals.
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