
Diabetic Check-up

Yashoda Diabetic Check-up is a comprehensive package that aims not only to identify the sugar levels of the body but also the complications related to diabetes, at the earliest stage

  • CUE
  • Fasting Blood Sugar
  • Post Breakfast Blood Sugar
  • Creatinine
  • Lipid Profile
  • Aspartate Amino Transferase (SGOT)
  • Alanine Amino Transferase (SGPT)
  • Urine for Micro Albuminuria (MICRAL)
  • HB A1 C
  • ECG
  • Diabetic Neuropathay Foot Scan
  • Eye Check-up

Examination & Consultation

Overall review of health check up findings and counseling by

  • Consultant Diabetologist / Cardiologist

On examining consultant’s recommendation.

  • Dietician Consultation
Diabetic Check-up

Price: Rs. 3,900/-

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Monday, OCTOBER 30
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Please Note: This session ends in 3:00 mins

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