How To Handle Cardiac Emergencies?

Chest Pain (Angina Pectoris)
Chest pain may be seen in people suffering from diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. A sedentary lifestyle, drinking and smoking in excess and a family history of heart disease can also trigger chest pain.
Chest pain follows reduced flow of blood to the heart. Angina’s symptoms are seen as a feeling of tightness, squeezing, heaviness, burning and pressure behind the breastbone.
Chest pain is marked by pain in back, neck area, jaw or shoulders and upper central abdomen. One may also experience nausea, fatigue, shortness of breath, sweating and dizziness. In women there may be chest pain or no chest pain at all.
Angina is different to heart attack. In Angina, the chest pain is short, and lasts for 5 to 10 minutes only. Angina is treated with nitroglycerin, a prescription medicine. Importantly, Angina cannot be taken lightly, as it may signal the impending heart stroke.
Angina is primarily caused by plaque buildup in the arteries running to the heart. However, muscle spasm, upper respiratory infection, stomach ulcer, indigestion and bladder diseases may also cause chest pain. Consulting best cardiology hospital in hyderabad is the best approach when we find any such symptoms.
Cardiac Arrest (Arrhythmia)
Sudden cardiac arrest is a serious condition, the symptoms of which include sudden, unexpected loss of heart function, breathing and consciousness. The cardiac arrest is caused by an electrical disturbance, disrupting the heart’s function to pump blood to the rest of the body.
Sudden cardiac arrest demands immediate attention. In most cases survival depends on timely administering of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). However, CPR is considered to provide temporary relief, till the heart emergency personnel arrive.
People susceptible to sudden cardiac arrest need to consult the doctor regularly. Any signs of chest pain and discomfort, rapid or irregular heartbeat, and a strong fainting feeling require immediate doctor’s supervision.
When the heart stops, it causes irreparable damage to the brain, which is denied of oxygenated blood. During cardiac arrest, the brain damage starts in only a few minutes. Added, brain doesn’t have a reserve of oxygen-rich blood. Defibrillators used to administer shocks, may also help to bring the stroke patient to normal condition.
To understand cardiac arrest better, one needs to know of heart’s physiology. Heart unlike other muscles of the body has an independent electrical simulation system. Sinus node, a specialized group of cells located in the upper right chamber (right atrium) of the heart. The sinus node generates electrical impulses to synchronize heart rate, and coordinate pumping of blood from the heart to the body’s parts.
When the electrical impulses from the sinus node are irregular (condition called arrhythmias) there may be cardiac arrest. Often these interruptions in rhythm are momentary and harmless. In a normal person, arrhythmia may occur due to external shock triggered by an strong electrical shock, use of psychotropic substances and sudden accidents. The life-threatening arrhythmia may occur in a person with a pre-existing heart condition.
best heart hospital in hyderabad at Yashoda Hospitals provides comprehensive treatments for the treatment of Cardiological and Cardiothoracic conditions. Proper diagnosis can save patients from the incidence of arrhythmia and heart stroke. In this context, the evaluation and ablation of various types of Arrhythmias is done at the Institutes Electrophysiology Laboratory. This Laboratory is equipped with a 3D mapping facility.