Lower back pain or lumbago – A common disorder involving the muscles and bones of the back

Yashoda Hospitals Hyderabad’s Low Backache Check-up
Low back pain (LBP) or ache is a disorder of the muscles and lower backbone. Low backache may last for 6 weeks (acute pain) to 12 weeks (chronic pain). Generally, the low back pains go away by conservative treatment (massage, exercise and heat therapy). However, in certain cases the pain is accompanied by weight loss, fever and problems with feeling and movement, which demands immediate doctor’s advice.
Diagnosis of low back ache includes x-ray computed tomography, MRI and the straight leg raise test. Any sign of damage to the inter-vertebral discs can be noted by these tests. Acute back pain is treated with simple pain medications. Chronic low back pain may result in sleep-related problems which may be seen as sleep disturbances, less sleep, and unsatisfied sleep.
In certain cases, there may be symptoms of depression or anxiety. There are a host of causes for low back ache, these include Obesity, smoking, more weight during pregnancy, coming under stress, poor posture and poor sleeping position may also contribute to low back pain. There are four categories of low back pain – Musculoskeletal (muscle strain or spasm), Inflammatory (spondylitis, arthritis and bowel disease), Malignancy (bone metastasis) and infections.
Low back ache may be due to muscle and joint problems. It is also due to neurological problems (tumors and fractures). On a broader plain, back ache may be due to Mechanical (nerve-vertebra-joint) pain, non-Mechanical (tumors, arthritis, spondylitis and arthritis) and referred pain (includes gallbladder disease, kidney stones, and kidney infections).
Yashoda Hospitals’ Low Backache Check-up helps in early diagnosis of low back pain, and leads to taking the right treatment for a possible disease or anomaly. The fast pace of life coupled with sedentary life-style has impacted human health. One such fall-out has been low back pain, which is increasingly seen in people who are indifferent to healthy living. Eating healthy, allowing for proper sleep and exercise is sure to keep you away from low backache.
Yashoda Hospitals’ low backache check-up includes lab investigations and doctor’s consultation. The Haematology part of investigations include, Hb, PCV, RBC, MCHC, MCV, MCH, Total WBC, Differential Count, ESR, PLT, Peripheral Smear, Complete Urine Examination & Stool Routine Test. The Biochemistry part of lab investigations include, RBS, Creatinine, Urea and Uric acid and Serum Calcium. Also included is Blood Grouping & Rh Typing. For women, the pap smear test is also done.
Cardiology and radiology investigations are an integral part of the low backache check-up. Cardiology checks include ECG (Resting). Radiology checks include x-ray L.S.Spine AP & Lat View, x-ray cervical spine AP & Lat View, Ultrasound Abdomen, MRI Spine Screening (Lumbar or Cervical).
Once the lab investigations are completed, the patient is referred to the consultant physician who may be a neurosurgeon or spine surgeon. Diet norms and regulations are suggested by the consultant dietician.