Yashoda Hospitals conducted 1st Annual International Conference, Bronchus 2020

A two-day international conference, ‘Bronchus 2020’, was organized by Yashoda Hospitals on interventional pulmonology and inaugurated by Governor of Telangana, Dr. Tamilisai Soundarajan. The conference revolved around the theme “New Decade – New Therapeutics”, providing a wide platform to participants from across the globe to share and discuss from basics to the most advanced diagnostics and therapeutics. Yashoda Hospitals also signed an MoU with Serdang Hospital, Malaysia.
The scientific program on the first day focused more on the prospects of basic bronchoscopic and non-bronchoscopic interventions. The highlights of the conference were the focused training program on comprehensive procedural techniques and training. For the first time, Bronchus 2020 gives a platform to learn Navigation Bronchoscopy for diagnosis of peripheral pulmonary and Intervapor – bronchoscopic thermal vapor ablation for emphysema under the guidance of international experts.
The second day of the conference commenced with experts delivering informative presentations on the latest evidence-based approaches in Interventional Pulmonology. Over 500 pulmonologists discussed the challenges of the field to evaluate current promising interventions. They addressed emerging new technologies and benefits deeply associated with case-based learning. The conference also provided an environment for early career members to gain knowledge of professional development activities.
The conference also extended conduct presentations, workshops and elaborated discussions on technical advancements in the field that have been phenomenal and have played an important role in improving quality life in patients with lung cancer, severe asthma, COPD, lLD, and tuberculosis.
Those who were unable to attend the conference can watch the recorded sessions from the program below.
News Coverage:
- https://www.en.etemaaddaily.com/world/hyderabad/international-conference-on-pulmonology-held-in-hyderabad:70594
- https://images.app.goo.gl/4LkiU5A4kmemomDa8
- https://www.v6velugu.com/governor-tamilisai-participated-in-pulmonology-international-conference-in-yashoda-hospital/
- https://m.timesofindia.com/city/hyderabad/guv-advises-doctors-to-look-after-own-health/amp_articleshow/73852894.cms
- https://www.andhrajyothy.com/artical?SID=1024658
- https://www.socialnews.xyz/2020/02/01/governor-tamilisai-launches-bronchus-2020-by-yashoda-hospital-tv9-video
- https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Hyderabad/equipment-to-treat-pulmonary-disorders-launched-at-yashoda/article30716310.ece
- https://images.app.goo.gl/tDDZ4J9XUnwtU3G36
- https://www.facebook.com/tnewstg/videos/2180876895348306/