First international intraoperative neuro monitoring conference with LIVE workshop at Yashoda Hospitals

Hyderabad, 16th March, 2019: First International Intra-Operative ‘Neuro-Monitoring’ (IONM) Conference with LIVE workshop in Telugu States concluded on March 16, 2019 at Yashoda Hospitals – Secunderabad. More than 200 Neuro experts from all over the country and across the globe participated in this program. Director Dr. Pavan Gorukanti, International Neuro Surgery experts Prof Dr. Vedran Deletis from Croatia, Prof Dr. K. Park from South Korea along with Dr. Sandip Chatterjee from Kolkata, Senior Neuro Surgeons from Yashoda Hospitals Dr. Anand Balasubrahmaniam, Dr. B. J. Rajesh, Dr. Venugopal, Dr. Ravi Suman Reddy, Dr. Srinivas Botla & Neuroanaesthesiologist and Dr. Nitin Manohar participated in the first international IONM conference with live surgery workshop that lasted for 3 days.
Speaking on the occasion Prof Dr. Vedran Deletis said “We should not harm the patient in our attempts to relieve the patient from illness. Intraoperative neuro-physiological monitoring reduces the risk of failures, and thus, improves performance. This technology is a boon to neuro surgeries making them safe, effective and efficient.”
Some Brain surgeries are considered too complex as some of the tumours are closely located near the functional areas in brain that are responsible for specific functions like speech, vision, movement, sensation, hearing, swallowing. So while removing these tumours or lesions there is a risk of damaging functional circuits. Any damage could cause impairment with respect to the functions they perform – lack of sensation, weakness in movement, speech, vision, hearing, swallowing difficulty, facial weakness…etc. We need to preserve these essentials.
These post-operative deficits that can occur during surgery can impair the quality of life. Function preservation is more essential in neuro surgery. Intraoperative neuro monitoring (IONM) along with image guidance with intraoperative 3T MRI has added to safety and precision while performing complex surgeries. it is now possible to perform these complex surgeries that were once deemed impossible due to these advancements.” said Dr. Anandh Balasubramaniam, Senior Neuro Surgeon, Yashoda Hospitals.
“Yashoda Hospitals has a dedicated team of neurosurgeons, neuro anesthesiologists and neuro technicians doing such complex cases with these technologies of intra-operative neuromonitoring and intraoperative MRI.” said Dr. Pavan Gorukanti, Director, Yashoda Hospitals.
Dr. B. J. Rajesh, Senior Neuro Surgeon, Yashoda Hospitals said “In today’s era, with recent advancements in technology we can achieve maximal, safe resection of complex tumors without causing any deficits to the patients. Earlier many tumors were considered to be complex and inoperable or even if operated carried a high risk of post-operative deficits. Surgical technology has only one real purpose and that is to give best possible outcome by removing maximum tumor safely without affecting normal brain tissue. Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring (IONM) involves monitoring integrity of neuronal pathways (cables or circuits which carry signals to and fro from the brain. During surgery we keep a check on the function of these nerve circuits to preserve their integrity so that there is no damage to these functional circuits.” Organizing Secretary Dr. Nitin Manohar said.
Prof. Dr. K. Park, South Korea explained the advantages of IONM “It helps to prevent permanent functional disability as it gives us time to intervene even after changes in the monitoring responses are seen i.e. time where actions can be taken to prevent any permanent damage to neuronal circuits. Intraoperative neuromonitoring in simple terms means stimulating some circuits of the nervous tissue at one site and recording from another site to confirm integrity of nerve circuits and all this is done under anesthesia without patient being aware while surgeons perform surgery.”
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