Yashoda Hospitals conducted second edition of Master 2019 – An international symposium on emergency stroke care

Yashoda Hospitals conducted a 2 day International Symposium on Emergency Management of Acute Stroke – MASTER 2019 “Management of Acute Stroke – Thrombolysis and Endovascular InteRventions” on November 9 & 10, 2019 at Hotel Marigold, Greenlands, Hyderabad.
The 2nd edition of MASTER – 2019, an international symposium covered exclusive and comprehensive management of acute stroke. Acute stroke care has been moving dynamically at a fast pace in the last 5 years. Since the first edition of conference – MASTER- 2016, numerous updates and guidelines have come into clinical practice, powered by many randomized controlled trials in I.V. Thrombolysis and Endovascular Mechanical Thrombectomy. The symposium was conducted with an objective to help the medical fraternity to update ourselves about the latest management paradigms in acute stroke care to improve the patient outcomes.
In the scheduled two days program, many reputed international and national faculty shared their experience in acute stroke interventions to improve acute stroke outcomes. An exclusive workshop will be conducted on the second day of the program on acute stroke interventions including live video demonstrations by masters and hands-on simulator training.
Many of practicing clinicians including Neurologists, General Physicians, Emergency Physicians, Intensivists, Radiologists and other healthcare professionals were immensely benefited with this program.
The symposium was organized under the leadership of Dr R N Komal Kumar, Dr Jaydip Ray Chaudhuri and Dr Suresh Giragani which included talks, debate and discussion among reputed international and national faculty, workshop on I V thrombolysis and endovascular interventions for young minds, case presentations and technical challenges. The international faculty included Dr Blaise Baxter, University of Tennessee College of Medicine, Chattanooga, USA, Dr Alejandro Tomasello Weitz, Val d’Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Dr Vijay Sharma, National University Hospital, Singapore, and Dr Maher Saqqur, Universit of Alberta, Canada. Many national faculties from across the nation were part of this extensive symposium.