Yashoda Hospitals accomplishes 100 iMRI aided brain surgeries

After being the first in India to install intraoperative 3T MRI (iMRI), we are proud to have accomplished 100 success stories of complex brain surgeries aided by 3T iMRI. In an official press conference, Dr G.S Rao, Managing Director, Yashoda Group of Hospitals and Dr. Anandh Balasubramaniam, Senior Neurosurgeon, Yashoda Group of Hospitals announced the success story to the media.
We continue to provide services fostered with advanced, state-of-the art technology and surgeons trained from the globally acclaimed institutes. iMRI surgery is the next revolutionary trend after Da Vinci robotic system aided organ transplants at Yashoda Hospitals.
Diagnosis meets real-time treatment of brain tumors with intraoperative MRI
Tumor removal from brain is a high precision brain surgery. Neurosurgeons with a hands-on-experience on thousands of surgery achieve the accurate removal of tumor and correction of brain deformities. However, with the utility of iMRI, even a new neurosurgeon can focus on the minute details for safe and efficient outcomes.
Dr. G.S Rao stated, “Yashoda Hospitals is now empowered with intra-operative diagnostics. 3T iMRI enables real time imaging of the tumor removal and several other surgical procedures to the neurosurgeons.” Proudly mentioning the success story, Dr G.S Rao said, “In the past couple months, we have operated 100 patients with brain tumor. They all have made 100% recovery with complete removal of tumor cells”
MRI-guided neuro-navigation is an advanced technology in neurosciences and neurosurgery. With 5 doctors trained on this advanced technology, Yashoda Hospitals has successfully achieved the centenary iMRI neurosurgery milestone.
Explaining the potential of iMRI surgeries Dr. Anandh Balasubramaniam said, “This cutting edge technology enables real time correction of the nerve defects. iMRI helps us evaluate nerve function as we operate the patient. Thus, patients can now enjoy the benefit of complete treatment in one single operation.” Detailing further he added, “Surgeons wait for a few minutes after the first take, by then iMRI provides them with the preview of progress made so far and the need for further steps. Based on which surgeons perform further excision simultaneously, thus avoiding the need for a repeat surgery.”
Compared to traditional surgery, iMRI brain surgeries have shown improved outcomes and reduced cost burden in the first 100 brain surgeries. We are making progress. We are looking towards exploiting this technology in several other therapeutic areas including chest surgeries across cardiology and respiratory departments.
iMRI aided surgery – How does it work?
MRI system makes use of radio waves and magnetic field in our body to show the images. The MRI output is a complete picture used by the surgeon to investigate critical aspects such as identify brain shift during the surgery and distinguish normal from abnormal tissues.
This revolutionary technology provides high precision, efficiency and long lasting beneficial outcomes for the patients at lower cost. The iMRI aided brain surgery has so far costed on an average 25000/- INR. Additional costs were incurred for the nature and complexity of the tumor.
In neurosciences, Yashoda Hospitals has performed iMRI aided surgeries in patients of brain tumor, dystonia, epilepsy, essential tumor, glioma, and Parkinson’s diseases so far.
“We at Yashoda Hospitals give the highest priority to acquire state of the art technology which can give patients faster, long-lasting relief from their ailments. Our surgeons who have trained and worked with prestigious international and national medical centres are making the best use of these facilities to give the best results to patients,” said Dr G.S Rao, Managing Director, Yashoda Group of Hospitals.
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