Is the H3N2 surge in India a cause for concern?

Influenza A H3N2 viral infection is on the rise in India, and experts say that it is due to lack of exposure to the virus during lockdown. As there was hardly any contact with the influenza virus, the existing antibodies are lost and new antibodies are not formed. Because of this, people are more exposed to sickness than ever before.
Since H3N2 has similar symptoms to COVID19, one can be easily mistaken for another. H3N2 is causing symptoms like cough and congestions that are lasting well over 2 weeks, when previously, influenza infections would only last 5-6 days.
Join our Yashoda Health Podcast episode with Dr. MV Rao, Consultant Physician, Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad, to know more about H3N2 virus and how it is a rising health concern. We will also address how this variant is different from other and how it can be prevented.