Poor work environment may lead to pain in shoulders, neck, lower back and wrists.

Office syndrome is a condition which occurs when one works at the desk for a long period of time without moving the body. People who are aged between 16 and 35 years are greatly susceptible to office syndrome.
Your behaviour, your work environment and health of your body are deciding for causing office syndrome. Behaviour refers to the positioning of our body while sitting for long hours in front of the computer, as part of our office work. We either crouch over the computer, lean back or sit cross-legged at the desk. Our environment in office includes the place we sit, the positioning of the chair, table, key-board and computer monitor. The health of our body refers to the composition and movement of our muscles, bones, joints, vertebral disks and nerves.
Office syndrome is characterized by symptoms of pain in many parts of the body that includes neck, shoulder, back, wrist, waist, knees and even the eyes. Diminishing eye sight is evident in people with office syndrome. There is also the possibility of vertebral disc slip which signifies that the body is being pushed to the limit.
If neglected office syndrome may lead to potential risks and complications that may range from simple body pain to nervous breakdown. While seated, if the back is not straight it may cause injury to one side of the back and lead to misalignment or scoliosis. Over a period of time, it may also lead to paralysis of any one organ or organs of the body.
After noting the symptoms, the doctor may ask questions relating to your work environment. The doctor may conduct a physical examination to identify the pain points and observe the movement of your arms, shoulders, back and joints.
Treatment for office syndrome is available as applying pain relieving ointments, taking pain killer drugs, and visiting a doctor for professional advice. However, prevention can be considered as the first course of treatment for office syndrome which includes following of simple steps and measures. First, it is important not to turn into a work alcoholic. Second, to address bad posture by bringing a few changes. The height of the desk should be at elbow level, which helps to relax the shoulders. The height of the chair should be such that your feet are firmly placed on the ground. A foot rest will help to achieve this with ease. The monitor or screen of your computer should be at the eye level. While you are seated your back should be straight. To relax the muscles, one should try to move around and stretch the body, every hour. Sitting next to a window for natural light, and having small plants on the desk is soothing to look at, and help to absorb carbon dioxide. These little steps will definitely help to avoid and overcome the symptoms of office syndrome. However, if you are already suffering from office syndrome, the professional advice of a specialist doctor is indispensable to put you on the path to recovery.