Prevention is better than cure Life Check-up

It is true that, our health decides whether we are living or existing. No matter how wealthy we may be, if we are not healthy, we can cherish nothing in our life. In the fast pace of the modern life, health has been a major issue of concern. With the growth of comforts, greater savings on time, and ease in doing our work there is definitely a comfort zone, but this is not without its impact on health. Sedentary life-style and ready to eat packed foods have definitely played spoilsport with our health.
In the present, there is higher incidence of life-style diseases than the hereditary ones reporting more and more patient footfalls at health centers and hospitals. Most commonly found diseases are overweight, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and kidney problems. There are definitely few parameters that ensure complete wellness and a healthy life.
Food is primary:
Very few of us are concerned with questions as, what food do you take? Is it a balanced food with enough vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and proteins? Does the food present a mix of greens, fruits, seeds and fiber? Definitely a balanced diet is mandatory for good health. A dietician’s advice and consultation go a long way in assuring complete wellness of the individual.
Good diet and proper exercise go a long way in ensuring a healthy body. However, following an exercise regime is highly individualized, and requires guidance of the expert. Workouts, aerobics, walking or jogging regulates heart-rate giving you more energy to work hard all through the day.
Importantly, no two individuals can have the same fitness and exercise regime. Avoid Smoking and Control Drinking: Smoking leads to many diseases and disorders. Smoking may lead to dangerous diseases like cancer, lung diseases and heart problems. Quitting smoking, and control your drinking habits goes a long way in having a long and healthy life.
Take less salt and more water:
The dangerous repercussions of salt are well known. More intake of salt may lead to strokes and heart diseases. Water is considered as a coolant of the body. It makes about 60 percent of the body’s weight, carries nutrients throughout the body, cleanses tissues, lubricates joints, dissolves vitamins and minerals, and maintains the body temperature.
Proper sleep:
A minimum 8 hours of sleep is essential to relax the mind, refresh the body and revitalize all organs of the body. A person with good night’s sleep is sure to be more focused and alert at work, more energetic and happier in life.
It is an old saying, that prevention is better than cure. The question is how to prevent the fall-out of a disease before it unleashes its full wrath on the victim. Timely and periodical health check-ups are the only assurance for complete health. A comprehensive health check-up supervised by health specialists, and medical specialty consultants can be the only assurance on complete health and wellness.
Health check-ups come as different packages for all age-groups. Men, women, children, and the sports person can avail the health check-ups, as per the check-up schedule. Health check-ups focus on achieving early detection of a disease or anomaly, and provides for arresting the progress of most diseases. It is considered that, if diagnosis is timely, majority of the heart & kidney diseases and several cases of cancer can be managed and arrested.
Yashoda Hospitals’ Life health check-up offers the most extensive diagnostic coverage with greater scope for identifying and arresting the progress of the diseases. Many presume that they are healthy, as there is no externally visible or evidence of disease.
This is a wrong way of gauging one’s health. Many of the diseases and heath conditions may be latent, and trigger off with little or no notice at all. The Life health check-up, definitely helps in understanding the progress of a disease, its phase of existence in the human body, and the possible corrections/ treatments that need to be followed to keep the condition under control.
Yashoda’s Life Health Check-up includes, lab investigations such as Hematology (Hb, PCV, RBC, MCHC, MCV, MCH, Total WBC, Differential Count, ESR, PLT, Peripheral Smear, Complete Urine Examination, and Stool Routine, Ova & Cysts.
Histophathology is for both men and women. For women it includes the pap smear test. The Biochemistry tests are quite comprehensive, and includes, GTT, Creatinine, Urea and Uric acid, Serum Lipid Profile (Total cholesterol, HDLCholesterol, LDL cholesterol, VLDL Cholesterol,Triglycerides,Non-HDLCholesterol,Cardiac risk ratio), Liver Function Test (Total Bilirubin, Conjugated,Bilirubin Unconjugated, Alkaline Phosphate, SGOT, SGPT, Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin, ratio) Serum Calcium & Phosphate, Serum Electrolytes T3, T4 & TSH, T4 & TSH, PSA (for men) and Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1C).
The Microbiology tests include HIV test, HbsAg, and HCV diagnostic checks. Blood bank undertakes comprehensive blood check that includes, blood grouping & Rh Typing, and Testing for Bombay Group in ‘O’ Group people. A strong and healthy heart is primary for lead a happy life. ECG (Resting), Stress Test (TMT), and 2DECHO are usually done to know the condition of the heart. The Cardiac Risk Marker helps to identify the plasma for homocysteine.
The complete range of radiological investigations include, radiography test, ultrasound whole abdomen and pelvis, and CT Scan of the Brain. These investigations help in knowing the condition of the abdomen, pelvis and brain. Any aberrations and deviations from normal are reported for specialist’s advice and correction.
The condition and health of the lungs is investigated through the pulmonary function test. The eyes are also tested for their visual acuity and pressure. All tests are reported to the concerned specialist doctors for clinical advice and expert suggestion. The life check-up reports are submitted to Consulting physicians, cardiologists, gynecologists, ophthalmologist and dietician.