Pull back muscle and Lower back pain

Lower back pain can virtually cripple you
Pull back muscle and lower back pain are associated with the lumbar vertebrae (L1 to L5). Lower back pain is experienced by everyone at one point of time. It may occur due to overstretched or torn muscle/ligament. A series of muscles and ligaments hold together the bones of the spinal column.
During conditions of extreme physical exertion, falling and bending of the spine, the muscles and ligaments of the lower back become less stable, and cause low back pain. Physical therapy and getting a belt or girdle to provide back support may be of great help.
Low back pain can be prevented by staying at a healthy weight, exercising regularly, lifting weight on your legs and not your back, and ensure that your work station position does not cause back pain.
Low back pain or strain can be caused by extreme physical exertion, falling, bending or crouching and by lifting heavy objects and wearing a heavy bag over your shoulder. Over doing at the gym or golf course may also cause low back pain.
Other causes for low back pain include, inactive life style, emotional stress, being overweight and suffering from extreme cough. Certain health conditions like slipped/herniated disc, fractures, pinched nerves and infections, spondylitis and fibromyalgia may also lead to low back pain.
Your low back pain features dull to stabbing ache. It may also cause a shooting sensation. The pain may not allow you to move or stand up straight. Certain symptoms like loss of bladder or bowel control, leg weakness, fever and pain may serve as a warning, and demands immediate medical attention. The common causes of low back pain include painful and stiff back, pain in the buttocks and legs, and steadily worsening pain when bending or stretching.
Low back pain is itself a symptom of a underlying pain or injury. It may be mild, severe, periodic or chronic. Usually, lack of exercise and sedentary life-style increases the risk of low back pain. Being overweight means greater stress on lower back and joints (knees) which contribute to higher risk of low back pain.
The complications or fall-out of low back pain includes disturbing your routine viz. continuous absence from work due to crippling pain, compression and damage of the spinal nerve, disrupted sleep and eating patterns, and intense emotional distress and anxiety.
After taking note of the symptoms associated with low back pain, the doctor may recommend for specific tests that may include X-ray, CT scan and MRI scan.
In many instances low back pain usually gets better on its own. However, during the low back pain condition you can make yourself comfortable and achieve relief from pain. A heating pad/warm baths or ice pack can be the first course of action for temporary pain relief. Yoga and other conventional stretching exercises help in relieving your back pain.
Low impact cardio will also help you to turn fit without straining your back. Medication for back pain includes pain relieving creams, tablets and steroid injections may also offer temporary relief for muscle aches. In the low back pain becomes chronic, surgery is advised for correction. The surgeon may remove a herniated disc to widen the space around the spinal cord or fuse two spinal vertebrae.