
Speciality: Surgical Oncology

  • Mr. P. Sateesh Kumar

    Treated For:Tongue Cancer
    Treated By:Dr. Sachin Marda
    Location: Kodada

    Mr. P. Sateesh Kumar

    Tongue cancer, also known as oral cancer, is a type of head and neck cancer...

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  • Mr. Prasad Nicodemus

    Treated For:Oral Cancer
    Treated By:Dr. K. Sreekanth
    Location: Hyderabad

    Mr. Prasad Nicodemus

    Composite resection is a surgical procedure used to treat oropharyngeal and...

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  • Mrs. Sabiha Anjum

    Treated For:Laparoscopic Anterior Resection
    Treated By:Dr. Sreekanth CN
    Location: Hyderabad

    Mrs. Sabiha Anjum

    Rectal cancer is diagnosed when cancerous tumours are found in the rectum....

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  • Mr. MD Nasir Uddin from Dhaka

    Treated For:Oral Maxillofacial Benign Tumour Resection and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
    Treated By:Dr. Sachin Marda, Dr. Sanjeev Sasmith. B
    Location: Bangladesh

    Mr. MD Nasir Uddin from Dhaka

    Benign tumours are noncancerous growths in the body that can occur anywhere in...

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  • Mr. Srikanth Aileni

    Treated For:Laryngectomy and Implantation of Voice Prosthesis
    Treated By:Dr. Sachin Marda
    Location: Jangaon

    Mr. Srikanth Aileni

    Laryngeal cancer is a type of cancer that affects the larynx (voice box), an...

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