
Patient Testimonial for Aspirated Foreign Body Removal Surgery

Testimonial by Daughter of Mr. Kondra Havilash

Treatment for: Foreign Body Aspiration
Treated by: Dr. Hari Kishan Gonuguntla
Patient location: Hyderabad

A foreign body refers to any object or substance that enters the body and is not meant to be there. Foreign bodies can enter the body through various routes such as inhalation, ingestion, injection, or through a break in the skin.

Bronchoscopic foreign body removal is a medical procedure used to remove foreign objects that are lodged in the airways of the lungs. This procedure is typically performed using a bronchoscope, a flexible tube with a light and camera attached, which is inserted through the nose or mouth and into the airways. During the procedure, the bronchoscope is guided to the site of the foreign object, and small instruments are used to grasp and remove it from the airway. In some cases, the foreign object may be too large or difficult to remove using this method, and surgery may be required.

After the procedure, patients will be monitored in a recovery room for a period of time to ensure that there are no complications. Depending on the individual case, patients may be advised to rest and avoid strenuous activity for a period of time to allow for proper healing. Pain medication may also be prescribed to manage any discomfort or soreness.

Daughter of Mr. Kondra Havilash from Hyderabad underwent Aspirated Foreign Body Removal and Dilatation under the supervision of Dr. Hari Kishan Gonuguntla, Consultant Interventional Pulmonologist at Yashoda Hospitals.

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