
Patient Testimonial for Aspirated Foreign Body Removal Surgery

Testimonial by K. Arvind

Treatment for: Foreign Body Aspiration
Treated by: Dr. Sindhura Munukuntla
Patient location: Nalgonda

A foreign body is any object that has entered the body through the mouth, nose, ears, or another opening, or that has been introduced through the skin.

The procedure to remove the foreign body is typically performed under general anaesthesia and may be done through an open incision in the chest or via a minimally invasive approach using a camera and instruments inserted through small incisions. The specific approach will depend on the location and size of the foreign body and the patient’s overall health.

During the procedure, the surgeon will locate the foreign body and remove it using forceps or other specialised instruments. If the foreign body has caused any damage to the airway or surrounding tissues, the surgeon may also repair this damage during the procedure.

The patient will be monitored in the hospital for a few days to ensure that there are no complications and that the airway is functioning properly. The recovery process may involve taking pain medication and avoiding strenuous activity for a period of time.

K. Arvind from Nalgonda, underwent Surgical Removal of A Chronic Aspirated Foreign Body, under the supervision of Dr. Sindhura Munukuntla, Consultant Paediatrician, Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad.

Read to know more: https://dev-kiosk.yashodahospitals.com//procedure-cost/intracular-foreign-body-removal-cost-in-hyderabad/

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