
Patient Testimonial for Awake Brain Surgery

Testimonial by Mr. S. Solmonraju

Treatment for: Brain Tumour
Treated by: Dr. Bala Raja Sekhar Chandra Yetukuri
Patient location: Hyderabad

Awake brain surgery, also known as awake craniotomy, is a type of procedure carried out on the brain while you are awake and conscious. It is used to treat neurological conditions like brain tumours and epileptic seizures that impact the regions of your brain that regulate speech, movement, and vision.

During the procedure, you are required to be awake, and your surgeon asks you questions and monitors the activity in your brain as you respond. Your responses assist your surgeon in ensuring that he or she treats the correct area of your brain that requires surgery. The procedure also reduces the possibility of functional brain damage.

You will be able to resume normal activities within six to three months. Awake brain surgery, like any other type of brain surgery, has the potential for risks and complications such as bleeding, brain swelling, infection, brain damage, or death.

Mr. S. Solmonraju from Hyderabad successfully underwent Navigation Guided Awake Craniotomy at Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad, under the supervision of Dr. Bala Raja Sekhar Chandra Yetukuri, Sr. Consultant Neuro & Spine Surgeon.

Read to know more: https://dev-kiosk.yashodahospitals.com//blog/recent-advances-in-brain-tumour/

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