
Patient Testimonial for Half Matched Bone Marrow Transplant

Testimonial by Mrs. K. Rajeshwari

Treatment for: Haplo - Identical BMT | Half Matched Bone Marrow Transplant
Treated by: Dr. Ganesh Jaishetwar
Patient location: Hyderabad

A haploidentical transplant is a type of allogeneic transplant used for the treatment of cancers. It uses healthy, blood-forming cells from a half-matched donor to replace the unhealthy ones. In a haploidentical transplant, the donor matches exactly half of your human leukocyte antigen (HLA), a protein found in most cells in your body. It is preferred when a close HLA match cannot be found. Mrs. K. Rajeshwari from Hyderabad successfully underwent Haplo Identical BMT (Half Matched Bone Marrow Transplant) at Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad, under the supervision of Dr. Ganesh Jaishetwar, Consultant Hematologist, Hemato-Oncologist & Bone Marrow Transplant Physician. Watch to learn more about her journey.

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