Yashoda Hospital’s Well Woman Check-up

I am strong, I am invincible, I am a woman
Today, women’s health is a matter of great importance. What really makes a difference is not only to create awareness of women’s health issues, but also of providing the right and timely health check-ups for early diagnosis and quality treatments that go a long way in ensuring a healthy and happy woman.
Major diseases among women are centered on the reproductive system – Wombs, breasts and vaginas. A simple breast and cervical screening by the specialist doctor, periodically is sure to make a huge difference to a woman’s health.
Woman’s health is primary, in any society, as it is decisive for healthy generations to follow. However, the medical conditions of heart disease, breast cancer, osteoporosis, depression, and autoimmune diseases are considered to cause more deaths in women. Proper diet and exercise which are seldom adhered are considered as basic for better woman’s health.
How to find best health check up for women?
Breast cancer when neglected leads to severe illness, incidence of other diseases and ultimately death of the woman. Though there are many reasons for breast cancer (family history, hereditary, age and lifestyle, no children, alcohol consumption and obesity), the respite is definitely in close follow-up and regular breast check-ups for malign tumors/lumps. A breast biopsy is sure to verify the existence of breast cancer, leading to take corrective measures as right treatment and procedure to follow.
Osteoporosis or weakening of the bones is commonly seen in women. Increasing the intake of calcium, and vitamin D combined with physical exercise is considered as needful to check osteoporosis. Depression and autoimmune diseases also play spoilsport with women’s health.
Depression is a mental condition where women increasingly reel under pressure due to disastrous fall-outs of family break-ups, professional pressures, serious illnesses, and physical or sexual abuse. Most of the bouts of depression can be overcome by expectations management and conflict resolution.
Diabetes and thyroid have emerged as the leading cause of concern in women, affecting their health grossly. These autoimmune diseases are quite common in obese women who have a sedentary life-style. Changing one’s life-style with healthy diet and custom exercise regime will sure help women to lead a healthy and happy life.
Yashoda hospital for women health check up offer a variety of health check-ups for women. Increasing awareness of availing the right course of treatment at the start of an illness is what explains the rationale in going for health check-ups by women.
Basic health checks for women include blood test to read the condition of pancreas (blood glucose) and thyroid in the body. The blood pressure and cholesterol check will sure keep a tap on the possible fall-out of being over-weight, with risk for diabetes and heart diseases.
A pap smear performed by the gynecologist is sure to help detect changes in the cervix and changes for abnormal cells. Making self-examination of breasts to notice any unusual lumps or nipple discharge may help in identifying breast cancer at its nascent stage. A proper ultrasound or mammogram will confirm anything that is malignant. Mammograms are very helpful in detecting breast cancers that are too small to be felt by hand.
Yashoda Hospitals offers the most comprehensive and highest quality health check-ups for women. The Well Woman Check-up of Yashoda Hospitals includes series of lab investigations – Haematology, Histopathology, Radiology Investigation, Gynaec Examination, Examination and Consultation. Haematology Tests include Random Blood Sugar, Complete Blood Picture (CBP), and Complete Urine Examination.
Histopathology which is an integral part of the Well Woman Check-up focuses on possibility of cervical cancer. The Pap Smear test includes collecting a cell sample from the vagina and sending it to for analysis. For possibility of breast cancer the state-of-art Radiology Investigations are suggested. These include Radiography Chest and Mammography. The ultrasound of the abdomen & pelvis records and verifies the condition of lower abdomen, and the reproductive system (uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries).
Yashoda Hospitals Well Woman Check-up holistically focuses on the health of breasts. The comprehensive gynaec examination promotes a thorough breast examination. The possibility of breast cancer is verified, and referred to detailed diagnosis and expert advice. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women. When detected at its early stage, it is completely curable.
Yashoda Hospitals Hyderabad‘s Well Woman Check-up offers complete and comprehensive health check-ups for women of all age groups. The quality diagnostic process is followed by examination and consultation by the specialist doctor and dietician. Any health issues/problems found are referred for further action. Treatments and procedures are advised to the patients only after providing enough proof of diseases/illnesses.
i am 68 year old women. I am suffering with digestive, spine, BP and Drag walk problems. please suggest me what type of investigations required. How can i cure.
We understand your concerns. Since you have several health conditions, it is best to visit a consultant physician. The doctor will address all your concerns and suggest the best treatment and care for a faster recovery.